Video has been removed. Sorry folks stay tuned for news on when this song will be available.

As you can see if you look over to the left of your screen Alexi Murdoch has returned to view… Although as many close to me know, Alexi is always on constant shuffle. But I must confess I have failed Alexi… *sniff sniff* I do not watch the TV show House and I have never seen the movie Gone Baby Gone (which after going to the imdb page I can see exactly why) I was unaware that Mr. Murdoch has debuted a new song… However, I did know that he was working on some new material before going on tour with Alanis Morissette (which is an odd pair but whatever the more exposure the better. Well, after I calmed down from the excitement I googled Through The Dark and found a little teaser from the end of House… And I can’t fucking wait.

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Just listening tonight…

mp3: In Ear Park

In Ear Park 2008 (4AD)

Department of Eagles on myspace

Available at Amazon and eMusic

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What the hell are these car companies thinking? And how the hell did they get themselves into this mess? Talk about loosing faith in Americas car companies…

A magic carpet ride. *Sigh*

It was a rough day… My job would be great if all I did was check artwork for print and I didn’t have to worry about communicating with the clients. Trying to explain printing to someone who has no idea how it works is tiring, unfortunately that is about 95% of the population… Which is something I need to remind myself everyday. So in case you couldn’t tell I needed a little pick me up after work… The first thing I went for was the debut album from Ladyhawke, it is the perfect get off of work album as I go barreling down the highway singing along at the top of my lungs… It is awesome. I am not the biggest fan of the 80’s, but Ladyhawke manages to encompass all the things that were actually cool about that colorful decade. Unfortunately I have one major concern… Where is Pip Brown going to go from here? It will be hard to get too excited over another throw back to the 80’s album if she doesn’t give us her interpretation… Now that being said, damn it if this album doesn’t just make me want to get up and dance. It kicks some serious 80’s ass!

mp3: Magic

mp3:  Crazy World

Ladyhawke 2008 (Modular)

Ladyhawke on myspace

Album also available at eMusic

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MILK the new Gus Van Sant film was released this week at the ArcLight in Hollywood… Figured I would try to catch the 4PM showing today… Silly me. They closed down Sunset Blvd and Hollywood Blvd not to mention the surrounding streets for a parade! WTF? So I had to find out what Parade closed down the streets of Hollywood… It was the Hollywood Santa Parade 2008… WTF? Drove to Hollywood and got stuck in surface street traffic and missed the showing of a film I was looking forward to seeing all weekend long. Whatever, I feel somewhat to blame as they did have an announcement on the front page of the ArcLight website, although if you go through Google you wouldn’t see it anyway.

Needless to say I was quite pleased to return home to relax and enjoy my Sunday evening while listening to Lisa Hannigan. Lisa is darling and if I could I would love to put her in my pocket and have the ability to pull her out every opportunity to get a custom life soundtrack. I wonder if that sounds appealing to Lisa Hannigan? Probably not. Hannigan has been accompanying Damien Rice on stage and in studio for the better first half of her career, she has recently released her solo debut Sea Sew and it is a wonderful. I look forward to hearing more from her in the future, she is definitely someone I plan on keeping my eye on. She just recently signed with ATO Records but the album itself has been available through iTunes and eMusic for awhile now. She was also just featured on the Nov. 20th episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

mp3:  Sea Song

mp3:  Lille

Sea Sew 2008 (ATO Records)

Album available here

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I have been enjoying the holiday with family (my mom) and extended family. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday here in the states. I will be back over the weekend. :-)


*Bats eye lashes and blushes*

Daniel Martin Moore creates simple acoustic indie/folk which stirs the heart and relaxes the soul… Seriously I am not kidding. I am like a puddle on the floor when I listen to him. His debut album is dreamy and I couldn’t think of a better album to get lost in on this crisp Sunday evening.

mp3: Stray Age

mp3: My Dream

Stray Age 2008 (Sub Pop Records)

Album available at Amazon

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I don’t know! Sorry folks the week just got away from me… I have to go into work tomorrow (Blah!) and then I will be off to San Diego to a Pre-Thanksgiving with friends. Weeeee! I should be back on Sunday with some new music. :-) Till then…

It has taken me awhile to grasp this debut album by Santogold, Santi White is the unique voice behind this amazing debut album. White draws on so many influences on this album and does a damn good job of mixing it all together into a new unique sound. It is the strong bass rhythms that drive most of the songs that got my interest from the start and the album is solid from the opening track L.E.S. Artistes to Creator (vs. Switch and FreQ Nasty) to Anne.  Santi White teams up with old band mate John Hill, together they mix Hip- Hop, Reggae, Indie- Rock, Pop and electronic… And it is just brilliant.

P.S. This was one of the hardest song picks I have ever had to do and I have been doing this for 2+ years.

mp3: L.E.S. Artistes

mp3: Creator (vs. Switch and FreQ Nasty)

Santogold 2008 (Lizard King)

Album available at Amazon and eMusic

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They just get better and better… I mean there is something so tender about their music. This is an achingly dreary EP with a live version of an older song of theirs, Going, Going, Gone. The EP is a mix of a little electronica along with some beautiful soaring rock melodies like the stand out track, A Thread Cut With A Carving Knife.  The only hiccup on this 6 song self released EP is 14 Forever, which is a good single but just seemed out of place to me… Regardless the EP is a nice treat from this fantastic Montreal based band.

P.S. Please do support the band buy purchasing Sad Robot directly from the band as they have taken a departure from their record label Arts & Crafts for this digital release. Enjoy!

mp3: Going, Going, Gone (Live Version)

Sad Robots EP 2008

Stars on myspace

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