Another Year
Filed Under Album Picks, News & Info. | 7 Comments
Friday was my birthday… So yeah happy birthday to me! I kind of feel a bit old… Normally I embrace my birthday with open arms being an only child and all I kind of make it a big deal… But this year I have realized I am a bit scared of getting older. I still had a marvelous weekend though… Great food, great laughs and good times with friends and family… It was fabulous. ;-)
I thought it would be a perfect time to mention the ethereal Sigur Ros and their new album, Med Sud I EyrumVid Spilum Endalaust , which translates to “with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly”. Their new album seems to be much more relatable, a bit more down to earth and fundamental then their passed albums, which all seemed to be fueled by abstract post-rock. This album is colorful, uplifting, expressive and beautiful. Highly recommended. (That is two in a row I might add)
mp3: Vid spilum endalaust
mp3: Med sud à eyrum
Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust 2008 (Beggars XL)
Also available on Amazon
Sigur Ros Preview
Filed Under News & Info. | 4 Comments
Sigur Ros is coming out with a new album June 23rd! I am really quite excited so in the mean time they have released a little preview…gobbledigook video and mp3
The song is awesome…It has really sparked my interest to hear the rest of the album, but what is up with all the naked people frolicing through the forest? And they don’t just frolic either…At one point they are rolling around naked in the dead leaves and dirt! What the hell is going on? Did these people eat a bunch of mushrooms and go mad? I don’t know but I am a little scared.
Love the song but can’t say the same about the video. Check it here.