Favorite Albums Of 2009 Part 1
Filed Under Album Picks, The Lists | 6 Comments
Other Lives – Other Lives
Other Lives took my breath away with their debut self titled album. A big harmonization of sounds… Combining folk, indie rock and classical string arrangements to create an original and beautiful sound. Other Lives has swiftly become one of my favorite new bands that I have found myself recommending time and time again.
mp3:Â Don’t Let Them
The xx – xx
An indie pop band hailing from London and knocking our socks off with a debut album that has certainly been on constant rotation in my car, at work and at home. I love the sleek, sexy synthesizing pop.
mp3:Â Shelter
The Leisure Society – The Sleeper
Yet another UK band, and now that I think of it they are not the last one. The Leisure Society is an indie folk band with just a dash of pop. Poetic lyrics and gorgeous melodies fill this album. If you enjoy Grizzly Bear, I think you may be in favor of The Leisure Society.
mp3:Â The Sleeper
The Decemberists– Hazards Of Love
I really went back and forth on this album… It usually takes me quite some time to really get into one of their albums. There are so many different layers to their music, they mesh so many different genres into their own unique sound. I was driving home the other day and The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned) shuffled on and I was completely lost in it. This album proves once again that The Decemberists are one of the most creative and profound groups of their indie folk-rock genre and possibly of this generation.
mp3:Â Â Hazards Of Love 2 (Wager All)
Plans Fall Through
Filed Under Music Mix Up, The Lists | 5 Comments
I have been having some computer issues, I think this laptop is starting to take a turn for the worse. Which is not really a surprise as I think it is just about 6 years old, that is like 95 in human years! Anyways… This was my post from yesterday, edited just a tad. :-)
I love the way Katie Herzig belts these words… “I’m not even close to where I want to be”. I know this feeling so well it gets to be overwhelming at times… At one point I thought I would have kids by 30, I am almost 28 and not even married. But you know I look around at old friends from high school and some of them are married and already have kids and I know right now that is totally not where I want to be… I am not ready for kids, I still have so much I want to see and do. I want to travel, get my scuba license, adopt my own rescue dog and maybe even go to grad school.
I can relate to this song so well though and I love her for it, I love the emotion she puts into her music, the way in which she expresses so much passion in each and every one of her songs. She was recently featured on the Season Finale of Grey’s Anatomy with Matthew Perryman Jones, also highly recommended.
mp3:Â Not Even Close
mp3:Â Weightless
Weightless 2006 (Marion-Lorraine)
Also available at eMusic
p.s. Check out the interview with Sam Mendes where he talks about the film Away We Go and how the movie is primarily about 2 people who are just getting their shit together in their thirties. Ain’t It Cool
Happy New Year
Filed Under Music Mix Up, The Lists | 5 Comments
Rather than posting a long list of some of my favorite tracks I thought I would post one of my favorite songs of 2008 that I have not posted on Untitled Records this year. It is from the always beautiful Aimee Mann , since hearing her in Magnolia, I have had a sweet spot for her graceful intimate songs. This song is far too short and I never want it to end I could listen to it over and over again, and I do.
Happy New Year, even though I am a day late… Looking forward to 2009 and all the wonderful music and film that this new year will bring. Cheers!
@#%&*! Smilers 2008
Aimee Mann on myspace
Favorite Albums of 2008
Filed Under Album Picks, The Lists | 6 Comments
I wasn’t sure I would get through it, there was some anguish and a little squirming but this is simply because I am terribly indecisive. This year was filled with some amazing debut albums and some solid albums from some of the great veterans. The following list is in no particular order and I do hope you enjoy. Thanks to Scott for helping me with the above image, he did in 10 min what I could do in 2 hours.
Santogold (Lizard King Records)
mp3: My Superman
Santogold’s debut was so diverse, each song adds yet another layer to the album. It was so difficult to choose a favorite song, there is something for everyone on this album. You can bet I will be enjoying it for years to come.
For Emma, Forever Ago (Jagjaguwar)
mp3:Â Flume
I realize Bon Iver will be present on many lists, it is no surprise. It should not be left out because it is popular. It is an awesome album and one worthy to be included on as many lists as possible. I fall in love with it a little more with each listen.
Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down (Cherry Tree Records)
mp3:Â Hold My Hand As I’m Lowered
I came to know Noah and the Whale last year around this time through fellow mp3 blogger To Die By Your Side. They will charm you with their dark acoustic folk. This album should definitely be heard from the beginning to the end, it was so difficult choosing a favorite to share, it is all so good.
Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust (Beggars XL)
mp3: Innà mér syngur vitleysingur
The majestic sounds of this amazing Icelandic band continue to inspire on this fifth full length album. Sigur Ros never seems to disappoint. There is no other word to describe it other than: beautiful.
The Midnight Organ Fight (Fat Cat Records)
mp3:Â The Modern Leper
I love The Midnight Organ Fight. Frightened Rabbit have a sound entirely their own with hazy rock accompanying singer Scott Hutchison belting out dark, honest lyrics. This album is so very well done.
mp3:Â Metal Heart
When I hear Chan Marshall sing I can’t function… She infuses so much soul into every one of her songs. This album is filled with Chan Marshall’s interpretation of some long loved songs and as always it is fantastic. ***I know I have posted this song before but unfortunately I can not post one of her covers without getting an email or threat from the Web Sheriff…
Parc Avenue (Secret City Records)
This Canadian born band definitely got my attention with their full length debut. This album is filled with 70’s rock inspired pop that you can’t help but dance to.
mp3: Lost Coastlines
The Stand Ins is the sequel to last years The Stage Names. This album really grew on me, at first I thought it had one or two great songs on it but upon further listen the album as a whole is memorable with creative novelistic lyrics and toe tapping indie rock.
House With No Home (Kill Rock Stars)
mp3:Â Â Curs In The Weeds
This second album from this brother and sister duo is brilliant. It is an album filled with hushed vocals and gorgeous acoustic melodies that are so delicate. It is really a pleasure all the way through.
Friendly Fires (XL Recordings)
mp3:Â Jump In The Pool
This album was another excellent surprise, this UK based band busted on the scene with their soaring pop and funky grooving debut. This album is brilliant from top to bottom.
Finishing 2006, beginning 2007.
Filed Under Film Box, The Lists | 3 Comments
Yeah you read that right. Pip here, and it’s time for my film list. I’m not a professional critic, nor do I fancy myself an amateur critic, but I like talking about movies, so that’s what I do. That said, I don’t have the luxury of seeing every single film that comes out, I’m lucky if I get to see a few dozen. I tend to see the films that I know I’ll love, which is why I sometimes come off as loving everything I see. I’ve just come to know what to look for I suppose. This is why when I’m surprised or a film goes beyond my expectations, I transform into a film geek of epic proportions, girlish squeal and all.
My original list for 2006 is here, but at the time I hadn’t seen my favorite film that came out that year – along with a few others – so I will quickly and without explanation list my final Top 10 of 2006.
1. Children of Men
2. The Fountain
3. United 93
4. The Departed
5. Little Miss Sunshine
6. Pan’s Labyrinth
7. Marie Antoinette
8. Casino Royale
9. Superman Returns
10. Borat
So my 2007 list is stunted much like my 2006 list was before this correction. I foresee each of my yearly lists beginning with the year previous’ final tally, but that’s ok! I have yet to see many, many great films that came out in 2007, so I’m not going to do a top 10. Only seven films were really good enough to make my list that I’ve seen so far, and here they are.
7. The Bourne Ultimatum
A film trilogy that goes against all logic and gets better and better as they go. This is really how I wish all action films were. Smart, ruthless and relentless as hell. Unfortunately I did not get to see this in theaters, but my new home theater is just as good! Better even since it’s comfortable and there’s beer here. Anyway, yeah, great film and I hope it ends the trilogy. If they keep going I fear they’ll loose the magic.
6. Ratatouille
I’ll admit it, I’m a total Pixar fanboy. I love everything they do with such fervor, I wonder if it’s too late to become a brilliant genius animator to go work for them. Have you seen their company HQ? It’s like going to heaven… wonderful, geeky heaven. Anyway, even normal people loved this film. Not only did it keep a theater full of children quiet and in their seats the entire duration, but the adults left fulfilled which most grown-up flicks fail to do. Tis the magic of Pixar.
5. Darjeeling Limited
This was the year of fanboy love for me, I tell ya what – there’s much more to come! It’s almost heartbreaking seeing this film in the #5 slot, but man the flicks we’re about to get to are just that good. This films only failing was its hectic nature, which I’m sure was intentional, but it just felt… well like everyone was on cocaine. Am I the only one that felt that way? Probably… anyway, #5 on my list is no laughing matter, still an amazing film.
4. Into The Wild
This was the greatest surprise for me since I had almost no expectations walking into it. Still to this day triggered the longest post-theater conversation of any film I’ve seen this year. Many emotions still whirl around the characters and goings on in this film, the mark of a great one. Any other year and this could have made it into the first slot.
3. Juno
I knew I was going to love this film when I saw the trailer ages ago. I just didn’t realize how much. I’ve been telling everyone I know to go and catch it, it’s something just about anyone will like and that’s saying something. In fact, if you haven’t seen it, then go right now!
2. There Will Be Blood
I’m still working on the review for this masterful epic, and I was really conflicted between the first and second slot. I think I liked my favorite working filmmakers’ latest more as more time passed from my first viewing. I will be seeing it again, probably not in theaters, but when I do it may just take the first place mark for the year. Only time will tell.
1. No Country For Old Men
I think the Coen Bros. are perhaps my other favorite working filmmakers. It’s like choosing children! Anyway, this film is absolutely perfect in every way, shape and form. I could not have asked for more. Even though I was primed with what was hailed as the greatest Coen Bros. film, I was not disappointed. Bravo, you two, bravo.
So come next December I’ll update and tweak my list a bit more here and there. I have a lot of work cut out for me to catch up, that’s for sure. I suppose there are worse things in life.
Favorite Records of 2007
Filed Under Album Picks, Music Mix Up, The Lists | 25 Comments
So it is the end of 2007 and what a year it has been in the music world, so many great albums. The following list is a compilation of albums which I felt stood out the most in 2007. This year I really tried to concentrate on records in which I felt were filled with great songs all the way through from the first song to the last song. A list of music that varies containing everything from French chanson to R&B soul. I have really enjoyed writing for you all this year, it has been a rough transition into Word Press and I am still trying to find my bearings and I appreciate the constant support I receive from my readers; tis what keeps me going. Thank you to all and I look forward to sharing a new year of music in 2008 with you. Happy New Year!
1. Beirut, The Flying Club Cup
mp3: Nantes (Original Post)
2. Explosions In The Sky, All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone
mp3: Welcome Ghosts (Original Post)
3. Radiohead, In Rainbows
mp3: All I Need (Original Post)
4. Caribou, Andorra
mp3: Melody Day (Original Post)
5. Andrew Bird, Armchair Apocrypha
mp3: Sythian Empire (Original Post)
6. The Cinematic Orchestra, Ma Fleur
mp3: To Build A Home – Feat. Patrick Watson (Original Post)
7. Shannon Wright, Let In The Light
mp3: In The Morning (Original Post)
8. Sharon Jones & The Dapkings, 100 Days, 100 Nights
mp3: Let Them Knock (Original Post)
9. Arcade Fire, Neon Bible
mp3: My Body Is a Cage (Original Post)
10. Pela, Anytown Graffiti
mp3: Waiting On The Stairs (Original Post)
The Pip’s Top 10
Filed Under Film Box, The Lists | 7 Comments
Hello and welcome to lil Rachel’s blog, no this is not a hostile takeover, but a guest to shed some light upon the celluloid (or in certain cases digital chip) world. You may call me El Presidente Pip, or El Matador for short. I have been called upon to create a top ten list of 2006 for my favorite films. I would like to keep with the vibe of this place and stay truly independent, but alas I cannot. Firstly, I do enjoy a good big-budget pure Hollywood film from time to time. In the right hands (as you’ll see in my list) I get suckered in like the best of the popcorn chugging cell phone answering sumbitches that surround me each time I go to worship my all-points digital THX surround heaven. I love film, movies and straight to video, I don’t discriminate, much like my obsessive love of The Three Stooges – I love all the Curly’s.
(please note, I really don’t have an obsessive love of The Three Stooges, but we have dated once or twice.)
I must, unfortunately, start my list with some sad news. I didn’t get to see every film that came out this year. I saw a good 83.4% of the films I had a yearning to see, but as you know that leaves 19.3% that I didn’t. Of those, I must say that “Children of Men”, “The Queen”, “Letters from Iwo Jima”, “Pan’s Labyrinth”, “Little Children”, “Volver”, “Tsotsi” (2005, I know, but late here), “Half Nelson”, among others that I just can’t remember off the top of my head were casualties of living in the middle of nowhere. My little town, a cozy 300,000+ people, either did not see these in theater, or in all likelihood I couldn’t get someone to come with me in that one week the film was playing, and…
What? Oh, right, the list… (each of the posters will link to the trailer)

10. Edmond
I didn’t see this in theaters, in fact I didn’t even hear about this until I was walking around Target one fateful afternoon and saw Bill’s (yeah, we’re on a first-name basis) face staring out at me. I remember thinking “wtf? How exactly did Bill get into a film without my knowledge??” Blasphemy! My repentance jumped up 10-fold when I saw that it was a Mamet screenplay. I picked it up for a whopping 7.99 (which scared me, Mamet has been known to miss, but Bill?) and I just didn’t understand how this one was swept under a rug. And upon viewing, I really don’t understand. Fans of Mamet and Bill Macy need to check into this one, especially if you’ve not heard of it. I’ve not seen Macy be as tight as he is in this film, and this thing goes to some dark places… of course if I would have written it, all the women would be more nakeder.

9. The Descent
Jesus… Christo… I think I might have screamed out for my mother on numerous occasions while viewing this flick. Luckily, I was pretty much alone in the theater… or unluckily. I don’t think I’m ever going to step foot even near another cave again, let alone go inside one. I’ll take a picture of it with a telephoto lens perhaps. Maybe look at it from afar with a… ok so yeah, I’ll shut up about that. I’m not a huge horror fan, unless they break genre or revolutionize, and this one basically does both. The gore in it is horrendous, not because it’s over-the-top, but because it’s freaking realistic. I think I yelled at the screen for it to stop, but deep down, I didn’t want it to. Well done.

8. Superman Returns
Yeah, I know, I know, two thrillers then we do a superhero movie? Yeah well I really loved this one, I don’t give a damn what anyone says from the ‘tru’ fanboys, to the snobby nose-in-the-air “flickaphobe” (I really need to patent that word). I love the character of Superman, and although I’ve never thought about it as deeply as Bill (the one that died in that one movie), he’s always been special to me. From the time that I ran around the house as a child with a towel strapped to my back wearing only my whities, up until the time I ran around the house as a man with a towel strapped to my back wearing my whities – I’ve always wanted to be him among all the superheroes to choose from. Like, no contest. And in this film, he’s exactly the Superman I’ve always envisioned… I can’t wait for the sequel.

7. Running Scared
Wow, what a night this film rides you through. I literally just finished watching this one, I missed it in the theater and if it weren’t for Ebert’s review I would have never seen it. Speaking of Ebert, he was absolutely right about how over-the-top this damn film is. I know what you’re thinking, this guy is a moron. All he likes are mindless or gory action films and thrillers where Macy goes insane. Just you go and watch this thing. “Paul Walker is a dumbass”, you’ll think walking into it… then when you’re done you’ll be all like “Damn, I’m the dumbass for doubting El Presidente Pip and his cat-like powers.” Don’t get comfortable watching this thing, just when things are going along a groove the entire universe implodes and starts over. Although it is totally unrealistic, I still love it… the poor kids though, they’re going to need some serious therapy.

6. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
I never watch TV, but several of my friends recommended “Da Ali G Show” to me knowing that it would be right up my alley. I still haven’t gotten around to it, but I sure as hell did watch the Borat movie. Yes, it’s everything that everyone has said it was, and I laughed really fucking hard. I simply love that it offends everyone and is being sued by everyone it is offending. My kind of movie.

5. Casino Royale
Yeah, there he goes again with his stupid ass action movies – and a Bond movie, no less!! The nerve! I personally like about maybe half of the Bonds that were made, but this one is my personal favorite. I have no real attachment to any of the guys that have played the Bonds of the past, but I will say I do now. Daniel Craig is an excellent actor, and he does this with a scary sort of insanity right around the edges, yet maintains the sexiness of Bond on the whole. Smart, sexy, fun and sprawling. Everything you need in a Bond flick.

4. Marie Antoinette
I really, really dig Ms. Coppola’s style. All of them have been a sort of hypnotic meditation on the story rather than an a-b arc. I always get swept up and this was definitely no exception. I was a bit curious as to what all the bitching about historical accuracy was going on about. It’s been said by much more eloquent hands than these about what it really is about, and really all of her films are about the same thing. I guess it’s really lonely being a girl? Or is it all the girls look at us guys like: “Fuck, that’s all we got?” Thus the lesbian is born. What was I talking about? Oh yeah! If you missed this one for some reason, or liked Ms. Coppola’s other work I highly recommend this one, I loved it to pieces.

3. The Departed
Simply a powerhouse. A lot of whiners were bowing down to this as the best Scorcese in a long time… pssh I say to these folks. He’s been making great films all along the way, this just happens to have so much muscle behind it you can’t not pay attention. This was one of the rare times I saw the original version before it was remade here in The America, and to be honest there were just a few minor things that I missed about the original. Namely little details in the ending… but all in all, everything was perfect. Bravo.

2. Little Miss Sunshine
No other film this year (and since Amelie probably) left me with such a feeling of happiness. This film gives the entire gamut of emotions which I love so much, while still at its core just being an amazing, sweet tale woven together masterfully and acted out with such love that I literally have to gush this out like a Care Bear Stare right into your eyes. Go see it now if you haven’t.

1b. United 93
I went into this film with a lot of trust, and I’m glad I did. I’m sure you’ve heard it to the gills about this movie by now as to how it plays… it’s like you’re there. There is no post-9/11, there is no nothing… there is just that terrible day and you live it. I was punched in the gut really hard by this one, probably sat in my seat trying to compose myself until the ushers were in there picking up popcorn. Doesn’t matter what you think about anything, just see it… prepare yourself, then see it.

1a. The Fountain (yeah I know, couldn’t decide between them)
I will start by saying Aronofsky is probably in my top three of working filmmakers. He connects with me and just makes such beautiful heart-wrenching films. Literally everyone in the theater walked out going “huh?”, I know I was the only one from the people I went with that liked it – let alone liked it enough to make it my fav of the year. I guess it reminded me a bit of 2001 (maybe my favorite film) while bringing a love story into it – and a love story of such power that I was basically in awe of everything about the actors. I will cherish this story always.So here it was… not perfect unfortunately, but until everyone starts sending me copies of screeners of everything, this is just going to have to do.Love,
El Presidente Pip
2006 EP Picks
Filed Under The Lists | 13 Comments
Below are my ordered 2006 EP picks, enjoy and let me know what you think.
1. Elephant Gun [mp3 expired]
Beirut, Lon Gisland EP [Get it]
2. Back Home To Harlem [mp3 expired]
The Rosewood Thieves, From The Decker House EP [Get it]
3. Don’t Leave [mp3 expired]
Frankel, Chatterbox EP [Get it]
4. High On A Hill [mp3 expired]
The Little Ones, Sing Song EP [Get it]
5. Trouble [mp3 expired]
Voxtrot, Your Biggest Fan EP [Get it]
6. Your Unknown [mp3 expired]
Le Firm, Flugsport EP [Get it]
7. Atrophy [mp3 expired]
City-State, “Wolves” + 4 [Get it]
8. When I Am Gone [mp3 expired]
Sparrow House, Falls EP [Get it]
9. Roll Down The Hill [mp3 expired]
Fields, 7 From The Village [Get it]
10. Dark Rooms [mp3 expired]
Tom Thumb & the Latter Day Saints, Kindermusik EP [Get it]
And although 3epkano doesn’t deem their debut album an EP…I think it should be considering it is 6 tracks with a running time of 31 minutes but I wanted to mention this Self Titled album again because I think it is one of the better instrumental indie-rock albums of this year. Check out the website for some free downloads.
I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to FiL over at Pogo A Go-Go
You are the greatest FiL!
2006 Album Picks
Filed Under The Lists | 18 Comments
This was not easy…Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite album and selected song from that album in the comments. My other list will follow but for now here are my 2006 Album Picks:
**Alexi Murdoch’s track just below entitled Shine starts out kind of funky, as if it is messed up but it is not so do keep listening.
Alexi Murdoch, Time Without Consequence [Buy]
Not a big surprise? I don’t know how many times I have mentioned this wonderful human being in the last year, his full length debut was released on June 3, 2006 independent style. If you haven’t checked out his album after all of the times I have suggested it, or if you have still not purchased it then I seriously weep for you. He just recently completed his tour…His next show is in Chicago Illinois, check his myspace for more info.
Sol Seppy, The Bells Of 1 2 [Buy]
When I first heard Sol Seppy (aka Sophie Michalitsianos, who has collaborated with Sparklehorse) I had a “slow motion” kind of moment; where everything appeared to be gracefully moving around me to the enchanting melodies composed by this classically trained musician. Soft piano notes complement Sophie’s chilling vocals on tracks like, “Gold” and heavy rock driven synths meld with a deep hypnotic beat on tracks like “Move”. The Bells of 1 2 whisks you away with striking arrangements that you hope will never end, an impressive debut to say the least.
Triggering Back (excerpt)
Benoît Pioulard, Précis [Buy]
This debut album is magnificent and proves that the greatest albums are the one’s you least expect. Précis is an album compiled of lush instrumentals which move through the air as Meluch’s haunting vocals blend together flawlessly. A mesmerizing full length album compiled of dark electronic folk-rock that is amazing and is certain to leave you breathless.
Gulag Orkestar is the debut album by Albuquerque native now Brooklyn resident Tom Condon that has captured indie-rock fans everywhere. Balkan brass inspired arrangements and rhythmic drums accelerate the romantic twelve piece instrumentals with such a passionate energy it is astounding. Condon’s voice…Leaves me utterly speechless; there is so much emotion in every lyric, in every note that I find it hard to stop listening. I think that is what resonates with me the most, the spirit and pure love for music that Condon puts into every intricately constructed song, it is really quite inspiring. And although Beirut had to cut their tour short due to Condon’s hospitalization from exhaustion, you know he is writing up a storm.
Muse, Black Holes and Revelations [Buy]
I didn’t see this one coming and what I mean is I simply didn’t for see that their album would be on my end of the year list, especially not my end of the year album list. I think what impressed me the most about this album is the bands apparent drive to progress their sound and progress they did. This album is a multi-genre roller-coaster; they draw from previous legends such as Queen yet manage to maintain their own unique sound. Expanding their guitars to sound greater than ever while mixing in spacey synth electronics, dramatic piano based melodies and Bellamy’s memorable piercing vocals. They push themselves to the very edge of the sound barrier and it is outstanding.
Band of Horses, Everything All the Time [Buy]
In order to avoid sounding redundant I am going to link to my previous post. I think Band of Horses just blew everyone away with their outstanding song, The Funeral. Unfortunately because it is such an amazing song the rest of the album is overlooked. Like Chad mentions here this album has more to it than just one great song, “The First Song†and “The Great Salk Lakes†are good examples of other stand-out tracks from Everything All the Time.
The Kooks, Inside In/Inside Out [Buy]
This is another album that has been on my headphones all year since its release in January. This post-punk rock band from the UK has a solid catchy tune that is fresh and filled with a rebellious energy that you can’t help but like. Another band that manages to draw from all genres, they sound good loud with tracks like “If Only†and they sound just as good when they turn the amps down and play acoustic melodic songs like “Seaside†and “Got No Loveâ€.
Where Have You Been? (myspace)
Manchester Orchestra, I’m like a Virgin Loosing a Child [Buy]
As I type this it comes as a bit of a surprise to be including it on my list, but this is really a fantastic album by this Atlanta based band. “Where Have You Been?†is a song of epic proportions, with Andy Hull’s intense sorrowful voice piercing along with the pounding drums and delicate guitar melody that builds into a passionate ballad that resonates in your mind. They have even managed to bring me to tears a couple of times with the beautiful grief-stricken; “Sleeper 1972†(although I am a little embarrassed admitting that). I highly recommend checking them out. Now, I just wish they would come to California…They don’t even need to come to LA, I would take a road-trip if necessary. Rich, do you think you could tell them to get their asses to California? ;- P
This album reminds me of an old friend and when it first came out I loved it, listened to it daily for months. Then well it suddenly became difficult to hear Chan Marshalls honest lyrics and I retired The Greatest to my shelf where it remained for months until one day for no particular reason I returned to it, dusted it off and synced up my pod and revisited Chan Marshalls slow revealing vocal melodies and even though it hurt a bit listening, it didn’t matter because I can’t deny how wonderful songs like, Hate and The Greatest are and I also after a 3 year break I can’t deny what a triumphant return Marshall has made with this album.
Talkdemonic, Beat Romantic [Buy]
Beat Romantic combines traditional instrumentals with modern electronic beats creating some of the most moving arrangements. Kevin O’Connor is the individual behind Talkdemonic and for this album has brought on Lisa Molinaro on Viola for a fantastic collaboration of sound, together the duo create sophisticated emotionally charged “foltronic-hopâ€.