Something to kick off the work week! I am ready to make this week my bitch.

Hope it is a great one. xx

mp3:  Favourite Food

Champ 2010 (Mom & Pop Music)

Amazon and eMusic

I have fallen in love with Strand Of Oaks

The biography on the man behind the name, Timothy Showalter makes your heart ache. He pours that all into beautifully chilling songs that are real and honest.

Take notice.

Also, check out his 2009 album Leave Ruin.

mp3:  Kill Dragon

Pope Killdragon 2010 (eMusic Selects)

Went to see a little world music singer-songwriter concert at the Hollywood Bowl put on by the wonderful public radio station KCRW on my birthday this past Sunday and it really exceeded my expectations… Which is saying a lot because I was pretty excited.

The Breakdown:

The Bird and The Bee were the first act to hit the stage. A folk duo infused with electro synth pop consisting of Inara George (The Bird) and Greg Kurstin (The Bee) along with some other awesome band members who really bring the whole sound together. I have heard their music many a time before especially when their self titled debut album was released in 2007… However, for some reason I just couldn’t get into them. Guess I needed to see them live, I fell head over heals in love with them. They lit up the stage and I didn’t want them to stop. If you live in the LA area I highly recommend checking them out as soon as possible.

mp3:  Make Love

Ray Guns are not Just the Future 2009 (Blue Note Records)

She & Him were up next. The popular indie folk Amricana duo composed of the actress Zooey Deschanel and the singer-songwriter/guitarist M.Ward. Really not the biggest fan of M.Ward’s solo work, never have been… But man, he can roar on the guitar, any guitar. He basically makes the guitar his bitch. The two of them together are really quite awesome and although I have not posted too much of them here at Untitled Records I do love the pair… Their new album She & Him – Volume 2 was released this year. They also put on a really great show that you are bound to stand up and dance to.

mp3:  Thieves

She & Him – Volume 2 2010 (Merge Records)

The Swell Season was the headlining band and the star of the show, boy did they shine bright. Their first ever live performance at such a large venue aside from the Oscars and they were amazing. The passion and emotion that Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová put into their music is breath taking, awe inspiring and beautiful. Their music gives me chills and it is just that much better when you see and hear them live. Their album Strict Joy was released last year and I highly recommend it especially the deluxe live version.

mp3: Drown Out (Live)

Strict Joy 2009 (Anti)

In short it was one of the best shows I have been to in a long time and it really made my birthday magical. No Music = No Life.

I will have a new post tomorrow all about the lovely concert I saw over the weekend. Until then. xx

It was a rather rough day today… Mondays always seem to suck.

Puma thought it was play time at 4:30am in the morning and then just as  I was falling back to sleep she woke me up again. She is so lucky she is cute.

Then I had an early morning doctor appointment, never a good time.

And of course a full day of work, ewww. This is going to be a very long week I think…

So tonight something a little ethereal to take us away to somewhere other than sleepless nights and yucky doctor offices. Cheers! xx

mp3: True Love Will Find You in the End

Headless Heroes

The Silence of Love 2009 (self-released)

Amazon and eMusic

I like this album, beautiful folk.

mp3:  Only A Song

Ben Sollee and Daniel Martin Moore

Dear Companion 2010 (Sub Pop)

Amazon and eMusic

I wouldn’t make a sound if I wasn’t so angry.
I wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t so far to go.
I wouldn’t keep on if there wasn’t something worth keepin’.
I want to believe that this mountain can be moved.
But this is only a song, it can’t change the world.

I get a little scared when I’m driving through the ghetto.
There’s a part of me that wants to hide, there’s a part of me that wants to move in.
Cuz even though I, I grew up in the suburbs
I didn’t really grow until I learned how so many others lived.
But this is only a song, it can’t change the world.

I’m digging, digging deep in myself
But who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.
This ain’t the world that I want to give him
People racing around in cars and cities you cant even walk across.
But this is only a song, it can’t change the world.

I been thinkin’ about providence and craving a root beer float.
I didn’t make these rules but it’s come time for us to row this boat.
And on the horizon, I see windmills sprouting up in rows.
There’s young folks farming and a few that’re gonna vote.
But this is only a song, it can’t change the world.

So I try, why even sing at all?
I picture the Harlem Globetrotters dancing like mosquitos with a basketball.
Cuz there is beauty in freedom.
And folks like me, came over on boats, flew in on planes, crawled under fences, and fought wars, just to find a place to be free.
But this is only a song, it can’t change the world.
This is only a song, it can’t change the world.
This is only a song, it can’t change the world.

Must shake this day off.

It sucked. I have stronger words but lets just leave it at that…

I have been trying to go to my zen place all day but it has not been working. I don’t know if it is just the going back to work after a long weekend thing or that I am just flat out of sorts. Tonight I need something familiar and comforting. Amy Millan can always soothe my soul. Her 2009 full length solo album is beautiful from beginning to end and just what I needed to help me find a bit peace of tonight. No Music, No Life.

Goodnight xx

Tomorrow is a new day.

mp3:  Low Sail

Masters Of Burial 2009 (Arts & Crafts)

Amazon and eMusic

I really had a rough time figuring out what the heck I was going to share tonight… Nothing was striking my fancy until I remembered Damien Jurado’s new album, Saint Bartlett. The music is richer than his previous work and you just want to sit back and take it all in.

Good night. xx

p.s. it is the first day of July, which means my birthday is in exactly 17 days.

mp3:  Rachel & Cali

Saint Bartlett 2010 (Secretly Canadian)

Amazon and eMusic

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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