I thought we would wind down the day with a mix…Some tracks off of a few new releases of those lesser known singer/songwriters.
It has been a rough Monday, but that’s alright because it can only ease off from here…Right?
I have been putting together some rough drafts of my favorite 2006 picks…Oh my! It is going to be so hard to put together the best of 2006 lists. I think I may have you all help me out with some voting…Possibly a competition…I am just thinking out loud right now. Ok so sit back and listen, all tracks are highly recommended…I will return later.

She’s So Far Away (mp3 expired)- 4th Ave.
Every Single Way

The Inevitable (mp3 expired)- Jack Adaptor
Road Rail River

From The Interests Of Few (mp3 expired)- Norfolk & Western
The Unsung Colony

Driving Song (mp3 expired)- Roger Tarry
Last Time I Was There

Anna Lee (mp3 expired)- Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin

What a week it was…

The week started off with a bang here in the U.S. with the 2006 elections where the Democrats took control of the House and the Senate for the first time in a little over a decade. (NPR) :)
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld resigns. (NPR)

Bloc Party kick off tour and announce UK dates on Tuesday and then Matt Tong (drummer) ends up in the hospital after his lung collapsed after their show on Thursday night. (Pitchfork) Yikes, I wish him a speedy and healthy recovery. And without Tong drumming his heart out they have postponed 3 shows thus far.

These two annoying human beings call it quits…That is really a shame, I mean I didn’t see that coming at all (sarcasm, lots and lots of sarcasm) But really I could care less about their split/divorce/parting what have you, but it does tie into what I really wanted to say:
Why is this guy even showing up on any “Top Song” list? I saw his name pop up a couple of times this week at the Hype Machine and iTunes (not that iTunes says much) but still why are people downloading anything from him and WHY are people actually posting his stuff on blogs? Just stop it. I mean can’t you put your money to better use?
Call me a snob, I care not. If I’m a snob because I don’t think he has any sort of talent then that is just fine with me. Snob city next stop, ding ding.

And as for new music well here are some of my selections from this weeks releases:

Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up (mp3 expired) – Pascal

Buy Dear Sir

We Dance (mp3 expired) – Pavement

Buy Wowee Zowee: Sordid Sentinels Edition
Review: Stylus A+ Approval

Window Seat (mp3 expired) – Librarians

Buy Alright Easy Candy Stranger

Voxtrot released a single, Your Biggest Fan. But since it is a single and there are probably 1001 mp3s floating around the net I will point you to their website where you can check out the band and purchase the CD single for only $3.99 (that’s less than a cup of terrible tasting coffee from Starsucks) or you could also go to their myspace to hear all the songs as they stream.

Okie dokie time for bedums good night and good morning to those who are waking up and good evening to those who are just kicking off their Saturday night.

Another all time favorite film of mine, Amelie, it is in my top 10. If you have seen this film you may know that Yann Tiersen is the genius behind the original score…Nothing compares, he is an amazing musician. He is actually coming out with a live rock album and DVD on November 13th, which is exciting news to me, I can’t wait.

I have decided to make this favorite film/track a weekly feature…

I didn’t have a very good day at all…Work sucked, I won’t bore you with the details…My mom said a terrible ridiculous comment to me today that really hurt, I was telling her about my car and how much all the repairs cost (because she asked) I told her (approx. $600) So she responds with, “how come brakes were…blah blah blah blah blah blah…blah” Then I told her all that was done to my car…And that’s when she said, “Well you shouldn’t have allowed it to get that bad.”


I told her BEFORE I drove for three fucking hours there and back to that retreat just to be with her that my brakes were going bad!!!!
We went back and forth but I realized my voice was beginning to raise uncontrollably so I quickly ended the conversation and hung up the phone.

I just feel so defeated…Not just with my mom, with everything.

Like Amelie I need to take some risks but I am so scared…One of these risks is approaching my boss about a raise. I am quite confident usually in my work setting, I am an extremely hard worker yet I can’t march my ass into that office and stand up for myself…

If anyone has any advice on how I should go about approaching this, I am all ears. But for now I point you in the direction of Sur Le Fil off the 2001 Amelie Soundtrack . This song has brought me to tears on more than one occasion just because it is so beautiful. Enjoy. :)

Yann Tiersen – Sur Le Fil (mp3 expired)

Amelie Soundtrack

Not that this comic from Toothpaste For Dinner has anything to do with Emma McGlynn but since it is Election day in the U.S. I thought it was appropriate. It certainly sums up how I feel about this election, although I did vote none the less.

And the excitement around these parts is really enthralling, calm yourselves people!!! Really the chatter is too much, settle down…I need some peace and quiet…I like sarcasm. Hopefully you all do too…Because that was my way of saying that I am a bit lonely around here…

Blah sums up my day yesterday and today quite nicely. I did come across some amazing tracks of an FM4 session of Emma McGlynn (March 2006). Just beautiful really, a little girlie but you know sometimes it is inevitable being a girl and all.

Also a highly recommended track off of her first album Kamikaze Birdie (2001)

This is quite befitting of my mood…Have a great rest of your day!

My War (Live) (mp3 expired)- Emma McGlynn

Forget You (Live) (mp3 expired)- Emma McGlynn

Emma McGlynn & The Monorails – Murder Set
New album available for download in advance at emusic

Lovesong (mp3 expired)- Emma McGlynn

Kamikaze Birdie

CP #32, do check it out. I plan to conjure something up for next weeks Contrast Podcast. But go listen to what the armadillos have selected for this weeks “When?” theme: Songs with ‘When’ in the title.

Because it’s Monday. Cheers!

Moving Gaza (mp3 expired)- Exit Clov

Respond, Respond

You Don’t Love Me (mp3 expired)- Kooks (3rd recommendation off this album, BUY IT)

Inside In/Inside Out

I’m Thirsty (mp3 expired)- The Broken Family Band


Your Unknown (mp3 expired)- Le Firm

Flugsport EP

When you least expect it, is when you see things; like shooting stars…

Last night I was trying to upload some tracks to File Lodge, and I was uploading three at a time but to no avail. I was doing everything right…I tried 2 and that failed so then I attempted uploading one file at a time…Success.


But I think this is something I need to work on, this constant need I have to rush things. Not the big things so much as the little everyday things. The things that effect me day in and day out…Simply taking one step at a time and not struggling in the process of getting to my desired goal.

2 beautiful dark folk songs…I am really enjoying the new Damien Jurado album, so I wanted to post another outstanding track from their recent release, And Now That I’m In Your Shadow. (Oct. 2006)

Also 1 track off the EP from Tom Thumb and the Latter Day Saints, Kindermusik (April 2006).

It has been a difficult, stressful and expensive week, draining. I am glad it has come to a close.

This one is for Rocky…
We miss you.

se reposer dans l’ami de paix

Hoquiam (mp3 expired) – Damien Jurado

Buy And Now That I’m In Your Shadow

Real Small Talk (mp3 expired) – Tom Thumb and the Latter Day Saints

Buy Kindermusik EP

That there
That’s not me
I go
Where I please
I walk through walls
I float down the Liffey
I’m not here
This isn’t happening
I’m not here
I’m not here
Radiohead, How To Disappear Completely

This song…Might just be the greatest song of all time.

This day was terrible…Everything is broken, nothing works and I am simply blue.

Quite sad really…

This past weekend I went with my mom to a retreat…I am not really one to retreat places where there are groups let alone groups of women. But I went for my mom because she asked me to go with her. We ended up going in separate cars…because well I am a workaholic and drive faster than she cares to drive. She left Friday, I left Saturday morning at dawn. It came to my attention the day before that I need new brakes…

I am doomed for all eternity to have car problems obviously. Oh and did I mention I was an idiot and drove in the carpool lane (2+ Persons) on the way to work one morning although I was by myself and therefor got myself a hefty fine that is more than I care to admit.

So I drove sleepy to a Seminary in Santa Barbara that was out in the middle of nowhere. I was planning on spending the night but quite honestly I felt very uncomfortable, the seminary well was a seminary and gave me the heebie jeebies plus I simply don’t work well with others so the whole group setting was making me very antsy so I drove home that same night. I was happy it was just me and my ipod for 3 hours.
I got to spend some time with my mom which is always a good thing…I also came to some realizations that weren’t so easy to take…

I am still in a lot of pain…And I have been hiding it away for quite some time that I have begun to resent myself, it is all not very healthy; but of course that is obvious…Anyways I am just babbling at this point.

I had originally planned to post 3 songs but since filelodge seems to have something against me this evening I am only able to post this one. An amazing song though, which is worthy of the spotlight.

Fucking EZ though…They really fucked us. Cheers!

Radiohead, How To Disappear Completely (mp3 expired)

Buy Kid A

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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