Bedroom Walls

It is so past my bedtime it is just silly…So real quick a few things:

1. Colin, great idea a “rock out” mix tape is in the works as I type, I was going to post this evening but sleep is essential for this little one.

2. Make sure to check out this weeks Contrast Podcast #20 (this one goes out to…)
Tim was kind enough to allow little old me to contribute this week, actually I just finally got off my ass and did it. So go there NOW (sorry I am just kidding, just go there sometime today if you have time and if it is not up yet….well then check back later. :)


[mp3]: Bedroom Walls, Kathy In Her Bedroom (mp3 expired)
[mp3]: Bedroom Walls, Six Weeks In The Imperial Gardens (mp3 expired)

Album available here

actually good morning…errrr
I screwed myself over…
k goodnight

Photo by Brax Cutchin

I had posted about Joshua Radin’s new album here and with the upcoming release of The Last Kiss which will be in theatres August 26th (US) Joshua Radin will be getting a great deal of attention I suspect, considering he has two tracks on the films soundtrack along with Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Imogen Heap, Amy Mann, Remy Zero, and the Cary Brothers.

But today I am not here to bring attention to just the previous musings…No today I am here to bring your attention to the lovely Priscilla Ahn. She is the voice behind the female vocals on Joshua Radin’s new album and is currently touring with him…There is an EP in the works, you can listen to a track off the EP entitled Rain here
Although she does just accompany Mr. Radin (who is indeed amazing in his own right) I got to thinking about it and realized that most of the songs that I have gone goo goo over off his new album have also been the ones in which Priscilla is present for as well. So, I invite you to listen to a couple of my favorite tracks and head over to Priscilla’s Myspace to hear her beautiful voice. And of course I will most certainly keep you posted on the release of her new EP.

[mp3]: Joshua Radin & Priscilla Ahn, What If You (mp3 expired)
[mp3]: Joshua Radin & Priscilla Ahn, Sundrenched World (mp3 expired)

Purchase We Were Here

Purchase The Last Kiss (Soundtrack)

City-State, “Wolves” + 4

*EZ Archive is finally back up and running 7 hours later*

Sometimes certain things just spin me round and round…The majority of the music I stumble upon is generally found on the internet…via sources such as Insound, emusic, and etc etc. I mean I could go on and on here…Anyways I am rambling I know…emusic is not the most reliable source for accurate information such as release date and the track listing of an album but I tolerate those faults because they shine in the sense that they provide a subscription service where you can download legal unprotected mp3’s of independent artists, it is superior to iTunes in so many ways…Anyways you all know this.

But man I nearly disowned emusic this evening, it was utter shenanigans. They had all this new music up and ofcourse it is separated by genre, style, release date and label…I don’t know who is to blame for this…Either emusic or TuneCore, most likely it is TuneCore as they are a new artist distribution company but there were many newly released albums all filed under the following:

Release date: “mm/dd/yy”
Genre: Soundtrack/Others
Style: Other
Label: “Band Name”/TuneCore

I mean who knows what you are going to get when you click on an album filed under this bullshit…This is like Russian Roulette, I mean I clicked and listened to some Christian music and then I tried another artist with the same categories except for the Band Name and Release Date and it was Hard Core Head Banging Metal, which made my head throb just hearing it for a second.

Quite frustrating…It takes a great deal of time to sort through the labeled rubble , it is near impossible to sort through it if it is not labeled at all.

Of course I think I did get lucky, but then again it is 1:19am…I won’t dare say what time I started this crusade.

I came across a band which managed to tickle me pink…City-State with their 2006 EP release, Wolves + 4. Five tracks which will leave you wanting more, this 4 man band hails from Washington DC and their music is quite mesmerizing, Invincible Summer literally sent shivers down my spine. Hope you enjoy, feel free to throw your two cents in about this rant and of course about the music. :)

City-State, Invincible Summer.mp3 [mp3 expired]City-State, There Is Nothing Here.mp3 [mp3 expired]

Album available here and here

Good morning :)

0898 Dave, When The River Runs Dry We Die

Wow, for some reason posting this evening was rather difficult…*I think I need to re-think my whole “possible post list” it is beginning to hinder things around here*So I know there is a track below from 0898 Dave, but since A Lily gets their own post…Plus 0898 Dave will surprise you throughout his album, it is the good surprise though…Dave is one more reason I wish I lived in the UK…So talented. Anyways check his space’s on the net here and here to learn more and listen to these two tracks…

0898 Dave, Ironside (mp3 expired)0898 Dave, Meet me in the summertime (mp3 expired)

Available here

Thanks guys for your comments yesterday I was smiling all day. :)

Good night…More like good morning…Geez I am freaking done.

Mid-State Orange, Odds

Today was one of those…days…*sigh* I wish I wouldn’t let things have such an impact on me, but they do. I won’t bore you with the details but it was regarding a client at work. That same client I had previously mentioned (and I am too tired to retrieve the past post). Anyways this client had come to be a rather difficult client and it was handed to me…Well because a co-worker didn’t want to deal with the person she would have to deal with, but I accepted it because I do love challenges (not really). I was doing just fine, had no problems, but this month after it left my hands we seemed to have some production issues. So I, being the little brown noser that I am…Well actually just to cover my ass because I didn’t want to get blamed for anything that was not my fault when the shit hit the fan. So I went to the boss and pointed out the date I sent the file to be printed, and she said she noticed and in no way thought I was the cause of the hold up. GREAT! You would think…But today the client called and informed us that they were going elsewhere.


But as if that wasn’t enough…The other boss calls me and my co-worker who previously worked with this client and basically just blames us for loosing the client!!! Are you serious? Because last time I checked I don’t make nearly enough money to actually be that detrimental and cause a client to go elsewhere. So I am not sure who’s check he is signing but it isn’t mine…Yeah so it might be time to start looking for a new job because that is quite honestly BS, he knows it, I know it, and the rest of the office knows it too.

Ok now on to the music!!! Mid-State Orange recently came out with their first full length album, Odds, which was released in July 2006. The three gents who make up this band hail from Melbourne,Victoria, Australia. Their debut album was released on Candle Records and they certainly haven’t gotten a lot of attention which is such a shame, so here are a couple of my choice tracks for your listening pleasure…Good night, good morning, and to some good afternoon. :)

Mid-State Orange, The Casualties Of Casual Ties (mp3 expired)
Mid-State Orange, Pathways (mp3 expired)

Available here

A Lily, Wake:Sleep

I realize I might have been somewhat of a tease a post or two back with the I Am To You.mp3 off Wake Sleep, A Lily’s new album. So since I don’t like to be a tease, actually that is a lie I do like to be somewhat of a tease…But not now, not when music like this exists. A Lily creates beautiful ambient music that you loose yourself willingly in. Goodnight.

A Lily, My delicate sun is my sparklin’ s (mp3 expired)
A Lily, Aeriels quiet and death-defying (mp3 expired)

The Hard Tomorrows

Yeah I have been sitting on this for quite sometime…My apologies. But perhaps I was waiting for something, like some news or an update of sorts…Such as their new album, Lights Out set to be released in September.
Good times…

Things that were not such good times? This week. It sucked.
Bring on the weekend and bring on the make-up sleep…Yeah for sleep!

Let’s see what else? I saw Woody Allen’s new film last weekend, Scoop. It was pretty good, Allen was quite funny…But it wasn’t one of his best, still better than the rest ;)

Tonight I saw In The Mood For Love (2000) directed by Wong Kar-Wai…This is an excellent film, if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend that you do. Also, the music is excellent.

Ok time for bed…Glorious sleep.

Quick note on one of the following tracks, Stay Cool carries on into a mini hidden track, just a heads-up (wow I just said heads-up) ok…

The Hard Tomorrows, Stay Cool (mp3 expired)
Buy 5 Songs

The Hard Tomorrows, There’s No Reason (mp3 expired)

Light’s Out info here

Handle-shaped Prominence (09.14.1999)

Tired, so very tired this evening. Long day, sick of summer…I wish I could just walk around all the time with my head phones on, tune in to the music and tune out the world around me. Am I a bad person for wanting this?

I guess my view of the world as of this moment is like watching a bad movie (for instance War of the Worlds, sorry to the fans) War of the Worlds was written terribly but whenever it is on the tele. I can’t seem to take my eyes off it…This is how I am in regards to the world right now…Anyways how did I get on this topic? Where am I? What am I? And who may I ask are you?

Must sleep now, good night, good morning, and to some good afternoon.

I leave you with new music from, A Lily & 0898 Dave.

A Lily, I Am To You (mp3 expired)Wake:Sleep available here

0898 Dave, Ballad of Henry (mp3 expired)

When The River Runs Dry We Die available here


Alexi will be performing live at The Casbah, his final show before he departs the Souther California area on the rest of his tour. I came across a recent in-studio of his at MPR (Minnesota Public Radio). And I fell in love with this man all over again, he is wonderful, I mean, I am seriously blushing…It will be a lovely night.

The in-studio features a chat with Tony Lopez and 3 songs:

‘Breathe’, ‘Song For You’ & ‘Dream of Flying’

I am off to bed, good night.


Listen: Alexi Murdoch MPR In-Studio

The new Contrast Podcast is up and considering this weeks theme is a personal favorite of mine I direct everyone’s attention this way. The theme? Instrumentals with sung introductions, which is flipping awesome! And I have to give my respect to all who participated this week, because I totally didn’t have enough guts to sing an intro, also how difficult would it be for me to narrow down an instrumental of my choice!!! Geez near impossible…This week’s Contrast Podcast is excellent, you will definitely hear something new and you will get to hear some of my favorite people singing their hearts out.

So go now and come back here a little later for new music. :)

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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