I got on the freeway tonight after work and it was backed up for miles, quickly exited and headed South to the coast. I took Pacific Coast Hwy all the way home, and enjoyed the cold crisp night with the window slightly open and my ipod shuffling. I realized how lucky I am and what an amazing and privileged life I live… I am taking Pacific Coast Hwy home from now on.

I have been listening to The Memory Machine for a couple of weeks now and it is just beautiful from beginning to end. Julia Stone‘s vocals are angelic, hushed and delicate.

This LoveJulia Stone

The Memory Machine 2010 (Nettwerk)

Amazon and eMusic

I came home today and just needed to shake it all off… And it felt good, to let it all go. I don’t want to worry, just want to turn it all of off, forget everything… Just sit back and relax.

And I was thinking about it tonight when I got home… If I didn’t have music in my life I would be in a insane asylum, no joke.

It makes my day better everyday, instantly.

No Music = No Life.

Angus &  Julia Stone came out with a new album this year, Down The Way. Beautiful. Listen and repeat.

mp3:  Walk It Off

Down The Way 2010 (Nettwerk)

Available at eMusic

Off to the dentist again tomorrow. I believe this is the last round of fillings… You know I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day and I floss?  Sigh. I have come to the conclusion though that I may need to up my flossing routine to daily rather then the once or twice a week I am pulling now. Is this #103 signs I am getting older or do I just have bad teeth? My dad had bad teeth my mom has bad teeth and gums. I guess I got the better of the two?

Anyways I was trolling through eMusic while munching on a Peanut Butter Pattie Girl Scout cookie (so good they should be illegal) and I came across Angus & Julia Stone a brother sister duo hailing from Australia. Folky singer-songwriter goodness that is just delightful and worth noting.

Going to brush my teeth… Enjoy! xx

mp3:   Silver Coin

A Book Like This 2009 (Nettwerk)

Available at eMusic

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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