This brought a huge smile to my face after a very long day. Explosions In The Sky has released a new song off their forth coming album, Take Care, Take Care, Take Care. The album is set to be released in April and this single has me super excited for the release. So happy to hear new music and see that they are touring. You must catch them live, they put on an unbelievable show.

Trembling Hands (Download) – Explosions In The Sky

Take Care, Take Care, Take Care 2011 (Pre-Order)


2 Responses to “Trembling Hands”

  1. Richard on March 15th, 2011 5:17 am

    Good to have them back and an intriguing teaser for the new record. Good to see them adding something new into the mix.

  2. Rebecca on March 18th, 2011 3:27 pm

    There is just something relaxing about them….

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