Currently listening to The Generationals. Their new album Actor-Caster is currently available via their website, Amazon, iTunes and through their label. They are currently on tour playing their upbeat, vibrant indie-rock all across the States. This album is a toe-tapping delight.

GreenleafThe Generationals

Actor-Caster 2011 (Park the Van Records)

I have never shared any Frank Sinatra on this blog… Terrible. I also realized I do not listen to him as much as I would like. His music makes me feel good inside. I was in a incredible funk today, just felt ever so blue. I would have hid in bed all day if I would have allowed myself to. Life is hard sometimes, this whole living thing that we have to do on a regular day basis gets quite old. But Sinatra’s music inspires me and makes me want to live. So tonight, the one and only blue eyes to cheer me up and hopefully start your week off with a smile.

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) Frank Sinatra

Sinatra: Nothing But The Best

The music of my choice this evening is something quiet and somber. I am currently working on finding my peace. Finding that calm even when I am late to class and stuck in traffic. It is daily tests such as these that in the grand scheme mean absolutely nothing, yet these are the same types of situations where I lose my cool the most. This is something I am currently working on. It is a daily struggle and I will fail again before I succeed, but I can’t let that discourage me because I know deep down once I make this change my life will be so much better for it.

This song is stunning, indeed it is one of my favorites. Brooke Waggoner creates beautiful singer-songwriter folk melodies and she shares so much heart and soul in each and everyone of her songs.

Fresh Pair Of EyesBrooke Waggoner

Fresh Pair Of Eyes EP 2007 (Swoon Moon Music)

This brought a huge smile to my face after a very long day. Explosions In The Sky has released a new song off their forth coming album, Take Care, Take Care, Take Care. The album is set to be released in April and this single has me super excited for the release. So happy to hear new music and see that they are touring. You must catch them live, they put on an unbelievable show.

Trembling Hands (Download) – Explosions In The Sky

Take Care, Take Care, Take Care 2011 (Pre-Order)

Sinus infection + Tons of work + Tons of class work = Well earned weekend getaway in Mammoth. I am going to be a ski bunny for 2 days and I can hardly wait.

Currently listening to a ton of new music, thought I would share some new DeVotchKa. Their new album, 100 Lovers is quite wonderful. As usual they infuse so much energy and romance into their music and they create such a unique sound. I am currently obsessing over The Alley, it will definitely be one of my favorites of 2011.

The AlleyDeVotchKa

100 Lovers 2011 (Anti)

This was the third time I had the privilege of seeing Mr. Alexi Murdoch live in concert. Each time I have seen him I find myself completely and utterly lost in his music, in the quietness of his breath, in each note of his guitar. I feel an overwhelming sense of peace. It is such a treat to catch him live, like seeing a deer drink from a stream. I consider myself lucky as he does not come around often, but when he does it is just as beautiful and magical as the last. Thank you Mr. Murdoch, your music is a true gift to me everyday. Love Rachel xx

His new album, Towards The Sun is finally available for purchase. It has been part of my collection for over a year and I still love it just as much as the first listen. Enjoy!

Towards The SunAlexi Murdoch

Towards The Sun 2011 (Zero Summer)

In all honesty I am not the biggest PJ Harvey fan… Hopefully Richard from To Die By Your Side won’t disown me as a friend.

I suppose I have never really grasped her music as her fans have, however on her latest album Let England Shake I find myself open and exploring her nuances. Let England Shake is a bittersweet love letter to her homeland written with just the right amount of attitude and style. There is something incredibly sophisticated and unique about this album and I think for the first time people like me are really hearing exactly what makes Polly Jean Harvey so damn special.

The Last Living RosePJ Harvey

Let England Shake 2011 (Vagrant Records)

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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