I enjoyed my 4 days off. It was glorious and I did nothing! It was awesome. Unfortunately the blog has been a little neglected. I will be back later tonight with some actual music. And maybe I can persuade Pip to post about some movies he saw over the weekend. Till then, have a great day!


2 Responses to “A Little Update”

  1. Chris on January 2nd, 2009 4:25 pm

    I had four days off twice in the past two weeks because of how the holidays fell this year. It’s the first four-day weekend I’ve had since 1994. You have no idea how lost I felt after two of the days!

    Happy New Year to you and Pip…hope you are doing fine and things are going well in the new year for you!

  2. Rachel on January 2nd, 2009 4:59 pm

    Thanks Chris. Hope you had a great New Year as well. I have been loving these two four day weekends but it is rough because at least for me it is less money :( But whatever I needed a break.

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