And yeah I am like a day behind but that is no surprise as I am always running late…And I think I feel bad keeping people waiting all the time…This might be one of the reasons why I apologize for almost everything…But I must say in my defense more often than not people seem to be running just as late as I. Not that, that means my tardiness is justified, it is not…I’m just saying…

So enough ramblings for one day, on to the music.
Au Revoir Simone an all girl trio from Brooklyn who make sweet honey dipped indie-pop. Their music is heard and suddenly flowers bloom, butterflies dance about to the chirping birdies and a giant rainbow paints the sky…It is lovely. Au Revoir Simone will be playing a handful shows at SXSW and then they cool down after their festival festivities with a show in LA at the Knitting Factory.

Mar 15 2007 1:45P
SXSW Press Here Publicity party Austin, Texas
Mar 15 2007 4:00P
SXSW Urban Outfitters party Austin, Texas
Mar 16 2007 2:00P
SXSW Moshi Moshi and Sup Magazine Party Austin, Tennessee
Mar 16 2007 10:00P
SXSW Moshi Moshi Records party Austin, Texas
Mar 17 2007 5:15P
SXSW Red Eye Distribution party Austin, Texas
Mar 17 2007 11:45P
SXSW showcase @ Copa Bar and Grill Austin, Texas
Mar 18 2007 8:00P
Knitting Factory Los Angeles, California

Two songs off their most recent release, The Bird Of Music

mp3: A Violent Yet Flammable World (mp3 expired), Au Revoir Simone

mp3: Night Majestic (mp3 expired), Au Revoir Simone

Get the album The Bird Of Music 2007


2 Responses to “SXSW 2007 – Day 5”

  1. merz on March 14th, 2007 2:54 pm

    Au Revoir Simone is excellent, damn those lucky people at SXSW…

  2. Rachel on March 14th, 2007 2:59 pm

    Merz we should crash the festival.

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