I know I have been away for too long but I do have some wonderful music to offer you…What has been sparking my interest this past week? Well let’s see…

Bloc Party’s Weekend in the City was officially released this past Tuesday and I immediately noticed Okereke’s apparent lyrical growth. The lyrics of songs like “Waiting for the 7:18” and “I Still Remember” are much more expressive in a strikingly direct way. “I Still Remember” recalls an attraction of two schoolboys with such an eloquent tenderness:

And on that teachers’ training day
We wrote our names on every train
Laughed at the people off to work
So monochrome and so lukewarm…
I Still Remember, Bloc Party

It is hard to deny that Bloc Party has demonstrated their growth and experience by giving us an album that retains the same energetic post-punk Bloc Party we have come to love and combines it with an emotional intimacy, which has created a connection that resonates in the listeners mind. Get it here.
(mp3 expired) Hunting For Witches
(mp3 expired) I Still Remember

Other music I was enjoying this week?

The Apples In Stereo have released their long awaited new album, New Magnetic Wonder. Get their new album here.
(mp3 expired) 7 Stars
(mp3 expired) Beautiful Machine 3-4

Also, I highly recommend giving Eleni Mandell a listen, her new album, Miracle of Five was just released and it is fantastic. Get it here.
(mp3 expired) Moonglow, Lamp Low
(mp3 expired) Make-Out King

Dead Melodies (mp3 expired) – Beck
From Adaptation (2002)
Available on Mutations (1998) [Get it]

This All Time Favorite almost didn’t happen but then while I was requesting pip’s vote on a possible ATF contender it dawned on me and then suddenly the clouds in the sky parted and golden rays shined from the heavens and I was granted immortality…Actually wait can I change what’s granted to me because I would so much rather have the ability to teleport! That would be so rad! But I have really just gone off on a fanciful tangent that may have been exaggerated just a smidgen…

Going in to see Adaptation in the theater I don’t really remember anticipating it’s release but I loved this film! Directed by the very cool Spike Jonze who also directed Being John Malkovich, as well as numerous music videos for artists like Björk and the Beastie Boys.
The screenplay was written by the Kaufman brothers and I think it is Charlie Kaufman and Donald Kaufman who really deserve the gold stars for how well this film turned out.
I must add that I think it might just be my favorite Nicholas Cage film who is actually playing Charlie and Donald Kaufman in the film. (He was unbelievable in Leaving Las Vegas but I mean you don’t feel like celebrating much of anything after watching that film)

And of course Beck’s, Dead Melodies makes Adaptation an official All Time Favorite. Happy day! It’s Friday! Next up I’ll rewind the week…

Last little query of the day…Is it wrong of me to find this just a bit ridiculous? The headline reads, What made us care about Nicole?
Seriously? I care about the baby she supposedly had a few months ago, I mean does anyone care about that? (sorry there is my gossipy two cents on a bit of Hollywood star soap opera crazy talk)

Chills (mp3 expired)

Objects Of My Affection (mp3 expired)

Peter Bjorn and John, Writer’s Block [Get it]

The poster above is from a free in-store the Swedish indie-pop band Peter Bjorn and John did at Fingerprints on 2/2. They also sold out The Roxy in LA on 2/1. The official US release of Writer’s Block has finally arrived and now I want another live show please. ;-)

Writer’s Block is a solid well paced album, the kind of album you pop in and enjoy all the way through and maybe even repeat it.

You can hear the entire album spin here.

That’s all I got for you at the moment, still looking for a job, learning about the stars and chilling with Puma (she sleeps a lot)

Weeeeeeee for Wednesday!

Farewell sweet weekend till we meet next time…
So last week I started classes again to finish off the last couple of credits I need, basically kids, my only advice is something my dad would always say, “Eat your peas before your dessert” because it is just so much easier to get classes like Astronomy or Math and Survey of Literature out of the way. The lit class really is one of those classes that could be cool with the right professor but you know that is not always the case, and as much as I love reading the epic poem, Beowulf I do feel as if these classes have become much more of a thorn in my side than they seemed when I was a weeee college freshman at the bright age of 18! Holy shit I am old!

Anyway let’s see what my old ass was listening to last week ;-P

Gong (mp3 expired) – Sigur Rós
Takk (2005) [Get it]

Sigur Rós has been playing on my headphones quite a bit due to their January 13th announcement of a new album in the works. This gets me excited, so to celebrate I revisited their glorious 2005 album, takk…
And I don’t think there is anything I could say that could possibly top this…

‘takk…’ is, according to the band (with icelandic tongue firmly placed in icelandic cheek), a “rock’n’roll record” – and it certainly is on occasion played both loud and fast – but few of the clichés of the genre come through sigur rós intact. in fact, listening to ‘takk…’ it is not images of rebellion or off-the-peg degradation that comes to mind, but more a feeling of being washed clean by music. even when they rock sigur rós provide a clear spot of, dare i say, sanctity, and, at the end, of the record the prevailing feeling is one of peace. –Sigur Rós website

An album which is high upon my all time favorites list, play it loud and often (just broke the cliché-o-meter with that one I think). Also check out a couple of Sigur Rós covers over on their site:

Hoppípolla Acoustic (mp3 expired) version by We Are Scientists

Starálfur Acoustic (mp3 expired) version by Special Moth

Your Algebra (mp3 expired)
Oh, Inverted World (2001) [Get it]

Baby Boomerang (mp3 expired)
Fighting in a Sack (2005) [Get it] also found on
A House Full of Friends (2005) [Get it]

Happiness Is A Chemical (mp3 expired)Darren Hanlon
Featuring special guests: Jesse Sandoval (The Shins), Mark Monnone (The Lucksmiths), Katy Davidson (Dear Nora), Lenka Kripac (Decoder Ring) and Cory Gray (Desert City Soundtrack).
Fingertips And Mountaintops (2006) [Get it]

So I’m still celebrating the music of The Shins…Shit I need to celebrate something after this never ending hell week. But it’s Friday! Weeeeeee!

Cheerleaders (snippet)

Shades of Hippiedom (snippet)

->The songs above are now snippets of the original song for you to preview, I highly recommend the entire album you won’t be disappointed. Support the band buy Save the Scene

King of Prussia hails from Georgia (Another band from GA? Yes, no joke.) And I am now officially placing GA on my “considering to live” list. These 5 guys have really left quite an impression on me…And their debut 7 track album consists of majestic sweeping pop that is quite simply some of the most promising indie-pop I have heard in quite some time. I can really go on and on praising this band, but I know as soon as you hear their music it will speak for itself (forgive the cliché, but I am serious).

Since this fantastic band is currently checking out some possible label options this debut album hasn’t been the easiest to come by, so I have heard (I have a magical genie so I am lucky in that respect) But as of right now you can pick up a copy of their new album, Save the Scene on their myspace. They are playing a series of shows in Georgia but I am hoping if I ask real nicely, King of Prussia will head out West in my direction sometime soon in the near future. ;-) I know they’re working on it.

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