The Very Hush Hush, Mourir C’est Facile (2005)

Yeah that would be nice right now…To just be invisible or make everything else invisible…But alas just like teleporting neither has really been a part of this world’s reality. So I put my headphones on and turn it up so I can hear nothing else but the music…And yes I know this wasn’t released this year…

Disconnect from everything.

The Very Hush Hush, Eyes Become Rooms (mp3 expired)

The Very Hush Hush, Green (mp3 expired)

Album available @ Insound


4 Responses to “Cloak of Invisibility”

  1. unknown on September 8th, 2006 8:31 am

    Um, how about reconnecting rather than disconnecting?

    Not sure I like the idea of a disconnected Rachel :(

    Very driven, ‘wash-over’, evocative music. I like the guitar sound an awful lot. Very deserving of headphone time.

    Thanks. Again.

  2. Chabelo es Dios on September 10th, 2006 8:54 pm

    Well, if it makes you feel better, i can’t see you.

    Enjoyed that Very Hush Hush stuff a lot, specially the blurry lyrics and the piano in “eyes become rooms”.

    This might be helpful if…

    Cheers (from Mexico).

  3. mjrc on September 11th, 2006 1:14 pm

    i just noticed you added me to your blog roll–thank you so much! i still get such a thrill from things like this. i will return the favor post-haste. :)

  4. FiL on September 12th, 2006 12:04 am

    Oh goodness, it’s good to be back! I too like the Very (not) Hush Hush and their sheets of guitar noise…

    And please don’t disconnect. Y’know, you scare us French speakers just a bit when you talk like that around an album entitled Mourir c’est Facile…


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