In Between

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Quite a trying week

I think this would be my own doing

which is harder to take…
but why?

I have this desire to simply jump in my car, turn on my pod and drive…
go 100 mph the whole way to no where…

I feel so stuck

but I must be done with this pity party

Shall we move on? Yes I think we shall… Amber Smith came out with their new LP, Reprint in Feb. of this year, which was produced by the one and only Robin Guthrie from the Cocteau Twins. Guthrie’s ethereal touch certainly shines all through out this fine album. So tonight I invite you to take a listen…

Amber Smith, Hello Sun (mp3 expired)
Amber Smith, Caleidoscope (mp3 expired)

Album Available Here



2 Responses to “In Between”

  1. unknown on August 25th, 2006 6:56 am

    When you do get in that car and go 100 mph, please be sure to slow down a little for any lost-looking hitchhikers who might want to hear a good tune whilst heading to no where land… I am sure there are a few out there on the roads.


    I really like both these tracks. The ‘Hello Sun’ track reminds me for some reason of Manchester’s Doves (not sure why really) and the strings on ‘Caleidoscope’ are just gorgeous… this track also shows what a fantastic voice he has.

    Great post. Time to leave the Pity party. Say hello sun. And I hope next week is far less trying.

    Take care.

  2. drainpip on August 26th, 2006 12:36 am

    why go nowhere when you could go here?

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