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Alexi Murdoch, Time Without Consequence

Oh dear. My heart is all a flutter when I hear the music of Alexi Murdoch, his new album above was released this week…I just can’t get enough of his somber sound, it is so beautiful. Then I saw this…

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And suddenly I have turned into one of those obnoxious squealing girls (well not literally, but I was squealing in my head) I think you can guess where I will be tomorrow night…

By the way could this week be any longer? It is never ending and I even had a day off on Monday. What gives? Anyways, allow Alexi to soothe your soul…

mp3: Alexi Murdoch, Love You Moremp3: Alexi Murdoch, Shine

Album available here: Fingerprints and Insound


4 Responses to “Yes Alexi, I Will Marry You”

  1. unknown on June 9th, 2006 5:22 am

    you are going to ban me from your blog i’m quite sure rachel… the track entitled ‘shine’ doesn’t play? the ‘love you more’ track is fantastic though… some really nice guitar and croon-ish vocals. Very Blue Nile like – and that means I’m hooked.

  2. Rachel on June 9th, 2006 11:33 am

    I am not going to ban you, don’t be silly. I didn’t even know you could ban, but that is good to know considering the ‘ex’ has been lurking…But Shine seems to be working, I tested it from a co-workers PC :)
    That track starts off kind of strange, it is quite noisy for approx 30 seconds then it goes into acoustic guitar.
    It is also the longer of the two posted tracks so give it a moment to load.

  3. unknown on June 9th, 2006 6:20 pm


    Exactly *how* silly and stupid do I feel right now?

    About 87% full of such feelings I’d say.

    Sorry, must have been a bad moment for me.

    Of course it works just great.

    I was being – Ok, trying to be – humouress about the banning thing (because I was whinging on…)

    I don’t know if you can do that, sorry to say.

    OK… Coat on, closing door behind me as i leave :)

  4. coxon le woof on June 10th, 2006 4:18 am

    Wow, lovin’ the Alexi – thanks for the introduction, will have to investigate further.

    And cincidentally I too had Monday off and the weke has dragged for me too. I put it down to the heat making me feel so lethargic.

    Roll on Autumn says I.

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