fantastic fox

I must begin by saying that I have been waiting for this movie to come out for a LONG time. I first heard about the release about 5 years ago and I was delighted that Wes Anderson would take on such an interesting and beloved story as the Fantastic Mr. Fox. I immediately re-read the novel by Roald Dahl on a trip back East… When I found out that one of my favorite writers and directors Noah Baumbach would return to participate in the writing of the screenplay I was afraid I couldn’t wait, I was so excited! Of course with this anticipation and excitement comes great expectation… I began to get worried… How could this film live up to all my wildest dreams? Could they pull it off?

They freaking did. It was classic Wes Anderson, all the little nuances and details were so wonderful. And the writing team of Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach for me did not disappoint by any means. It was a darling novel twisted in a true Wes Anderson fashion, with a wonderful soundtrack that wrapped this film in a big giant red bow… I enjoyed every moment of this film and I cannot wait to see it again and again.

mp3:  Street Fighting ManThe Rolling Stones

Fantastic Mr. Fox Soundtrack 2009 (Abkco)

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