I have been sick since Thursday… Yep that is correct, the last 4 days of my vacation were completely ruined by a horrific case of bronchitis. I have basically been lying in bed for the last 4 days watching terrible television, snuggling with whatever cat decides to join me, coughing, aching, tossing and turning and quite frankly I am ready to pull my hair out. If this is any inkling into what 2010 has in store, can I just go back in time? Hopefully this means I am getting it out of the way? That is what I keep telling myself anyway to get me through. Anyways, I am on the mend. Hopefully I will feel good enough to drag myself out of bed and into work tomorrow but I sound like a frog that has been smoking for the better part of its life…

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and a fantastic Holiday. I am so sad it is all over, this is my favorite time of year… I don’t really have anything new from 2010 yet but I figured I would share some of the stuff I am still catching up on, one of them being Sea Wolf’s 2009 album, White Water, White Bloom. Which if  you love Bright Eyes you will probably love this second full length album, for me only a few choice tracks made it onto the iPod but still an album to note.

mp3:  Wicked Blood

White Water, White Bloom 2009 (Dangerbird Records)

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