So this year I have decided that my New Years Resolution is going to be to give up using the F word… Pause for reaction. Some of you who know me and talk to me everyday are probably chuckling to yourselves right now… I curse like a sailor and I use the F word as if it were a common word such as “the” or “I”. The excessive use has come to bother me primarily because of the word having lost all meaning.  It is a great and versatile word, but it should still be used sparingly.  This is my resolution, we shall see how I do.

The Swell Season… I am such a sucker for these two. Their new album is really quite beautiful and I highly recommend picking up a copy if you haven’t already. It almost made it onto my year end list but missed it by a couple of tracks. Enjoy!

mp3:  In These Arms

Strict Joy 2009 (Anti)

The Swell Season on myspace

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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