It is all about the music tonight… Ray LaMontagne is a bit more popular than the usual suspects here at Untitled but this singer/songwriter is a must have. Gossip In The Grain is a solid third album, Meg White is  a 60’s psychedelic rock anthem that took me by surprise, quite brilliant and not what you would expect from LaMontagne. It is an expressive beautiful album that has stopped me dead in my tracks and made me utter, “Damn”. Highly recommended.

p.s. Songs will only be available for a couple days, check out his myspace to stream samples.

***mp3 tracks have been removed***

mp3: Meg White

mp3: I Still Care For You

Gossip In The Grain 2008 (RCA Records)

Also available at Amazon

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

    Click the tag to listen, right click the song title to save. If you find that an mp3 is not playing chances are it has expired.

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