rachael yamagata-elephants

Not very talkative this evening. Playing something a lot more mainstream (and yes Warner Bros. is freaking mainstream to me, I know, I am a snob), Rachael Yamagata seems just right… She takes us to a darker place on this follow up album and I like it.

My grandmother has sold her condo in Florida and is moving here in the next 2 months. She is scared and angry… This breaks my heart because I wish there was some way to ease into this, but it is all happening so fast and she feels herself losing control. All we can do is be there for her though and help her understand that we are only trying to help… It is really hard though and I hope it all goes smoothly. I am a worrier. *Sigh*

Good night.  xX

mp3: Elephants

Elephants… Teeth Sinking Into Heart 2008 (Warner Bros Records)

p.s. I insist that you check out Sunday Afternoon from this album, it is a must.

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