The beginning of this week has just slipped right by me. I have a show review to share for James Vincent McMorrow, but that will have to wait until the weekend at this point. I am tied up with work and school and I am terribly behind in my class readings. This semester is proving to be a bit more difficult than I expected. Sigh.

So how about some quirky atmospheric music from Mock Orange? I think that is a marvelous idea. Mock Orange has been creating music since 1998. Their latest full length album, Disguised As Ghosts, is not as kooky as some of their previous works. I think this is why I like it so much. Mock Orange is a band definitely worthy of your time and their new album deserves a listen.

Silent MotionMock Orange

Disguised As Ghosts 2011 (Wednesday Records)



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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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