True Blodd

I just started watching the first season of True Blood today, I had to see what all the hype was about of course. I won’t deny it… Pretty much hooked at this point but I don’t know how satisfied with it I am. At least with this first season, it just seems rather awkward at times and some of the characters seem a little forced to me. Over all I am intrigued though and I can certainly say that I am officially hooked.

Now on to the music, when I first heard the intro song I thought for sure it must be Chris Isaak, however I was incorrect. Bad Things is sung by Jace Everett who is much more country western than Chris Isaak will ever be. But yet this song has a lot of similarities to Chris Isaak’s, Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing … Too similar you think? I don’t know, I mean he does put his own swing on it…

Now, I know this might be a surprise to some people, stones might be thrown for this country western pick but I am prepared to stand behind this fun and naughty little ditty.

mp3:  Bad Things

Red Revelations 2009

Jace Everett on myspace

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