When I first heard the new third full length album from Wally De Backer I hated it. Literally turned it off and moved on. I didn’t think I would come back to it at the time but I did. It has grown on me so much from the first listen. A dark and mysterious pop album that is quite unique. There are a few songs that I know will make my end of year list for sure, Eyes Wide Open, Somebody That I Used To Know and Smoke and Mirrors are amazing. The there are some tracks that just get off course like, I Feel Better and In Your Light. Overall I am happy that I gave it another chance and if you haven’t yet heard some of this Belgian-Aussie’s music I urge you to check him out and dive right in.

Happy Friday! xX

Somebody That I Used To KnowGotye

Making Mirrors 2011 (Ais)

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