Tonight I want to talk about The Kills. I enjoyed their 2008 album Midnight Bloom. Although it wasn’t my favorite album of the year, I enjoyed it. I am attracted to their sexy rocker pop style that oozes out of both Alison Mosshart’s and Jamie Hince’s pores. I have to say they have taken this indie garage rocker style to a whole a new level on their new album Blood Pressures. They combine a little old with a little new on this album and I think it is phenomenal. They went for a deeper sound, Future Starts Slow kicks the record off with a big drum beat and soars into a marvelous indie-rock song that I have on constant repeat. Then Satelitte strolls in with a slower steady beat, gritty guitars and a fantastic chanting vocal. The tracks keep getting better and better. The duo have so much style and confidence, they kick some serious ass. I hope they continue to kick ass together for years to come. xx

SatelliteThe Kills

Blood Pressures 2011 (Domino)

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