Laguna Beach, CA

I have been wanting to try 8 Tracks for quite some time, but Tara Whitney convinced me to get off my lazy bum and finally do it. I have been putting together a lot more mixes this summer, which is refreshing and fun. It brings me back to my mix tape days and reminds me to not be so lazy about my music listening. Below is an mp3 from the 8 Track Mix for your enjoyment.

Neurotic WorldLiam Finn

Fomo 2011

Obsessed with this song right now, which is odd because I do not normally obsess over Death Cab so this was quite a surprise. I am still on the fence about the rest of the album but I think I just need to dedicate some time to really sit down and listen. For now I have no problem playing this song over and over. xx

Previously mentioned here and here


Codes And KeysDeath Cab For Cutie

Codes And Keys 2011 (Atlantic)

Better late than never! Death Cab’s new album has been quite the buzz and I have to admit I was intrigued… Bixby Canyon Bridge just pulled me in from the start, great opening track really… But then I Will Possess Your Heart is like a slow screw drilling into your hand, I don’t know what happened it starts out with a funky bass line and along comes a lovely little piano melody but then it just goes all wrong. The album does redeem itself by the time Grapevine Fires hits you with its exquisite harmony… But I have to admit a little dark realization I had a couple of days ago… I was in Nordstroms shopping with my Mom and all of a sudden Your New Twin Sized Bed comes on… And I have to say I was annoyed and not just because it was playing at some mainstream store that my grandma shops at, but instead I think I realized what I don’t like about the album as a whole is that it was neither spectacular nor was it awful it was just middle of the road for me.  I am left thinking Death Cab just doesn’t turn me on like my other lovers… It is sad… I wish it was different but some things just aren’t meant to be.

mp3: Grapevine Fires

Death Cab For Cutie

Narrow Stairs 2008 (Atlantic)

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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