Yesterday started out with a mauled dead cat from a coyote on the lawn (not mine), traffic and ended 12 hours later when I finally got home from the office. Yuck!

Today is shaping up to be a much better day to say the least. My last weekend of the summer is beginning and I am planning to enjoy it to the fullest. Beach, drinks and the long awaited release of the new Untitled Records design. Finally making it official in hopes this will get my ass in gear to put in the work to release it this weekend.

In the mean time I have been listening to calming, relaxing folk. Allowing the summer breeze to blow through my hair and the music to fill my ears. It is a beautiful thing.

If Time Was For WastingDylan LeBlanc

Paupers Field 2010 (Rough Trade)


Gillian Welch needs no introduction, you have heard her at some point in her long career. Whether it be one of her past five albums or her work she did in O Brother, Where Art Thou?, her stunning Americana song-writing is timeless. This is my absolute favorite song from the album. Sit back and soak it all up.

The Way It Will BeGillian Welch

The Harrow & The Harvest 2011 (Acony Records)


It has been pretty quiet around here, I have been writing a paper for the last week of my life. Finally finished it last night then got to class tonight and he assigned the final. Eeeeeeekkkkk. Just 2 more weeks left and then I am free for the summer months at least.

Anyways, on to the music. Currently playing on my headphones The Head and the Heart. The Seattle based band has recently signed with Sub Pop and re-released their self-titled debut album. A collection of singer-songwriter Americana folk songs that will get you up dancing and humming along, I guarantee it. A new band, the passion and fundamental spark is there and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

Rivers and RoadsThe Head and the Heart

The Head and the Heart 2010/11 (Sub Pop)

No reason to give away free music when the digital download is only $4.

Just came across Family of the Year recently and I dived right in. Their debut full length, Songbook was released in 2009 and it had a handful of gems.

More recently they released a 5 song EP, Through The Trees which I am currently listening to on repeat.

Amazon and eMusic

Two words: Catalytic Converter. With those two words I suddenly find myself $900 in the hole. I love my car, I have 2004 VW Golf. It is the perfect car for me. We have been through a lot of miles together, she has always been there for me and she is so cute. l had a mental breakdown when told that I have to get a new catalytic converter. I got angry. Anger because everything is so unknown, I don’t understand the world of cars and how to fix them and that is scary. That is life though…It is uncertain and unpredictable and we have to roll with the punches… The question is: am I still rolling with the punches when I am writing a check and balling my eyes out?

Delta Spirit is a local band, they originated from San Diego, CA and currently reside in my hometown of Long Beach. Right there they get bonus points. Their sophomore full length album seems more focused. Their mix of Americana and soul-pop has been refined. This might be my favorite song from the album.

mp3:   Salt in the Wound

History From Below 2010 (Rounder)

Amazon and eMusic

Enjoying the indie-folk music of Ferraby Lionheart at the moment. His new album, The Jack of Hearts just floats right into your heart.

His music reminds me a little of a younger version of Bob Dylan meets Morrissey and they have a crazy weekend in Nashville, I like it.

mp3: Yellow Wings

The Jack Of Hearts 2010

Available on Amazon and eMusic

p.s you must check out the bonus track High Horse available through iTunes.

I have fallen in love with Strand Of Oaks

The biography on the man behind the name, Timothy Showalter makes your heart ache. He pours that all into beautifully chilling songs that are real and honest.

Take notice.

Also, check out his 2009 album Leave Ruin.

mp3:  Kill Dragon

Pope Killdragon 2010 (eMusic Selects)

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

    Click the tag to listen, right click the song title to save. If you find that an mp3 is not playing chances are it has expired.

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