Quick post tonight but none the less important by any means. I took off early from work last night headed north to the El Rey theater in LA to see Alexi Murdoch… I had previously seen dearest Alexi at the Hotel Cafe, which was a solo acoustic performance and far more intimate. Last night he performed with a full band and it was quite interesting to experience both. However, I have tried for the last 24 hours to decide which I might prefer and I could not bring myself to make such a decision… Surprise, surprise. All I can say is, when I hear Alexi’s music whether it be on my headphones or live… There is so much beauty and grace to his music that I almost can’t even breathe… There is a lot to take in, so much to appreciate and enjoy.

We got an unexpected treat as well… I really didn’t think it could get any better but it did… Towards The Sun is a 7 song limited edition short album/long EP that I have been listening to non-stop since I exited the theater and got into my car. A possible sample soon to come but for now try to catch him live he is currently touring.

The Portland Cello Project opened for Alexi last night and I was quite pleased I caught them as this was their last show for this tour. They have a new album coming out in June.

mp3:  Gold (featuring Weinland)

Portland Cello Project 2008

Also availble on eMusic

p.s. This post was not that quick… ha

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