I am in a bit of a sharing mood and thought I need to open up a little more… The truth is once I gave up my anonymity I have felt a lot more restricted on the personal side of things. So I decided while listening to Dr. Dog’s new album that I am going to open up and tear down a bit of the wall I tend to keep up. Before that, just a quick mention of the new album from the wonderfully retro band Dr. Dog. Shame, Shame is pretty much awesome from beginning to end. A new producer and label has perhaps helped to refine their music, but at the same time still keeping the unique sound that is Dr. Dog. I am loving it. Now, five things you probably don’t know about me:

1. I have a hard time watching violence, even a gun shot can make my body squirm. Although I do see movies with violence, unnecessary violence like horror films… no way!

2. Only recently am I able to swallow 2 vitamins/pills at a time, I used to have to take them one at a time and I still only take them 2 at a time, too chicken to try 3.

3. I am a recovering addict. I am sure you all are racking your brains on what the addiction was but it is not really about what it was but more about what I have overcome, and that it is possible.

4.  I brake for all animals… Even insects. Truth be told I have actually stepped on the brakes for a butterfly.

5. Keeping with the same theme as #4… I try to put spiders outside rather then killing them. They are just lost.

mp3:  Someday

Shame, Shame 2010 (ANTI)

Available at eMusic

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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