Oh man…


I woke up this morning and did not want to get out of bed. I was far from happy this morning. Mondays suck and I always feel like there should be one more day off for all… Just one freaking day.

I think I am bored at my job though, sick of it really. I definitely need a break though… A couple more weeks and then it is Turkey time! Four glorious days off. Sweetness.

Anyways I hope everyone accepted their Monday a little better than I, now on to the music… Aaron Thomas is really something else, stumbled on him while trolling though the pages of eMusic recently. Thomas is a singer-songwriter with a bit of a folk like flare accompanied by emotional lyrics. Although he is a bit aloof, as he only seems to have a myspace page, if I were a record label I would be all over his nuts like a squirrel looking for acorns.

mp3: Aw C’mon

mp3: Thinking Is Unproductive

Follow The Elephants 2008 (?) Possibly Everlasting Records is his record label which he claims on his myspace but they don’t have a website that is up to date, so I don’t trust it.

Album available at eMusic

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