Is a little band with some mighty big sound, Pree hails from Washinton DC and they are really quite fantastic. They create warm, rich organic folk melodies accompanied by May Tabol’s gorgeous vocals… It is so very lovely. At first I thought it was Thao Nguyen because Tabol sounds strikingly similar… Thao has much more of a pop vibe though than that of Pree, which I actually find to like a bit more because I find their music to be comforting.

p.s. Just in case I was not clear… I highly recommend this EP ;-)

mp3:  Heaven is a Drag

Pree on myspace

A Chopping Block (2009) (The Kora Records)

Album also available on eMusic


5 Responses to “What I Love Right Now…”

  1. Wayne on March 19th, 2009 4:04 am

    Wow Rachel.
    This is really beautiful.
    Need to investigate further.

  2. mjrc on March 19th, 2009 4:05 am

    your post comes right after mine in the hype listings today–i love when that happens!

    this looks good. i love thao, so i’ll probably like this, too.

  3. rachel on March 19th, 2009 10:52 am

    Wayne, I am so happy to hear this, all 5 tracks are wonderful but some of my favs are the above, Lack of Flight and Speak Warmly. :-)

    Marcy, yeah for hype machine goodness. Thanks to you! :-) I think you will totally love Pree.

  4. Tart on April 7th, 2009 10:23 pm

    hmmmm, I’ve tried to give this a chance, honestly! DC of the Waiting Room has played a bit of Pree as well. But, (and this sounds ridiculous) the vocals remind me of Samantha Crain a bit too much, and nevermind who came first, there’s only room in my head for one and Sam’s it. Isn’t that awful!?! I’m ashamed of myself!

    But, sometimes you just can’t force these things, ya know? :)
    oh hey, thanks for the linkage, I’ve no idea why we’ve never crossed paths really, I was presently surprised to find you tonight :) xoxo

  5. Rachel on April 9th, 2009 11:26 am

    Hey Tart! I totally understand, you can’t force it indeed. Samantha Crain is lovely in every way as well. I still am loving Pree’s sound and I am excited to see how they grow.

    Thanks for stopping by and I am excited for our new found friendship. :-)

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