I doubt everything… I can’t help it. It can be an issue at times and I try to let go but it always comes back to rear it’s ugly head… Frustrating… Tiring.

mp3: Honest Doubters

Words Are Dead 2006 (Lucky Madison)

Horse Feathers on myspace


3 Responses to “Bound in blue…”

  1. celera on January 16th, 2009 8:19 pm

    Also healthy. Appropriate. Prudent. Every story is partly true, and partly false.

  2. Chris on January 17th, 2009 5:37 am

    Unless I have some contribution control to it, I usually doubt it too. I got tired of being frustrated by it long ago, I just write it off as a flaw in the human machine.

    Man, that’s deep…for me!

  3. rachel on January 17th, 2009 1:19 pm

    See this entire post ended up making me feel better. :-) Celera, it is healthy to question you are correct. Thanks for helping see it that way.

    “Unless I have some contribution control to it, I usually doubt it too.” So well said… Chris, that was deep… hehe

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