I got a sudden itch to edit the look of my blog and instead of editing the html alone I thought I would try the new beta customize template feature…

I don’t know, not really all that thrilled at the moment , but once I learn the CSS of this Blogger template I should be able to customize it a bit better…For now though I am leaving it because I am tired as hell. I will sleep on it…
It looks too Blogger/Google happy, it is like a certain style you know? And I don’t want their style; I want my own style…That is the whole point of Untitled

If you run an mp3 blog why did you start? How has your blog changed and what do you enjoy most of all about the entire mp3 blog experience?

As for the readers: What sparks your interest and keeps you coming back to an mp3 blog? What do you find yourself searching for and what would you like to see more of?
And more free music is not really the answer I am looking for ;)

Went to the greatest record store EVER last night and picked up the fantastic new album, Tree Colored See by Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory. I have had my eye on this album for quite some time…
Dreamy indie-pop layered with lush guitars and mellow beats; this 11 track album is the product of the collaboration between Estella, Chris Gunst and Jen Cohe. I had quite a predicament selecting just two tracks…The entire album is solid, from the first to the last track all the way through, hit play and repeat as desired. You will like indeed.

The Seed (mp3 expired)

Decisions, Decisions (mp3 expired)

Buy Tree Colored See


16 Responses to “Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory”

  1. drainpip on December 3rd, 2006 10:53 am

    Yeah… we need to work on that blog template of yours lady.

    As for the music, flipping fantastic. I’m going to pick this one up I tell ya.

  2. FiL on December 3rd, 2006 11:04 am

    Aaah, bright light!! Bright light…

    Hey, work with the changes – it’ll be fun!!

    Why did I start blogging? To participate in the wonderful give-and-take of exposing others and being exposed to new musical delights. How has my blog changed? Well, it rapidly became a whole lot more personal. What do I enjoy most? The lovely folks and armadillos I’ve met along the way! Closely followed by the music, natch.

    What sparks my interest? Finding fantastic music that a) I’ve not heard of before, and b) is presented with wit, verve, character, and personality. In fact, I’d say point b) has overtaken point a).

    What do I want to see more of? Whatever the lovely Rachel decides she wants to offer us!!

  3. FiL on December 3rd, 2006 11:05 am

    Oh yes, forgot to add the music is dreeeeamy. Might just semd me back to la-la land this overcast Sunday morning…

  4. tad on December 3rd, 2006 1:12 pm

    rachel was up eaaaarly this morning! or, was she just up laaaaaate?

    you know, one of the things that i’ve really noticed about untitled is its appearance. you keep everything looking soooo nice and it’s obvious to me that a) you really know your way around the html/css block (teach me!), and b) you’ve made a lot of effort to make it look just the way you want it to. that being said, i’m not sure how much i like this new look, because you’re right–i think it’s a little too cookie-cutter for your style. and that being said, i’m sure you’ll have no problem giving it your own flavor and making it your own.

    your questions…well, fil pretty much nailed everything on the head in one fell swoop, so to fil can i just say, “ditto”

    i have got to make it out to fingerprints one day…where are you from, rachel?

    finally, another great choice in these songs. where do you find your music?


  5. mjrc on December 3rd, 2006 2:56 pm

    i don’t have time (i will later) to properly respond to the questions at hand, altho i did think for a moment or two i’d clicked on the wrong link! ;-) i don’t mean that as a criticism, it was just a surprise.

  6. Don't Need Anything on December 3rd, 2006 3:35 pm

    i dont think im really authorized to comment on the new look seeing as im colorblind…part of why mine has never changed…the other reason is that i really dont know how to change it…but thats beyond the point…

    i started because i had all this great music just sitting on my computer and no one was able to enjoy it but me. i also have loads of connections so i usually can get anything i want and i want others to have those connections too.

    i too enjoy hearing from people who dig the music. its great to know that im not the only one around who doesnt just listen to the radio and watch mtv for their music exposure. everyone else around here does.

    my main change in my blog is that when i started i was very dilligent in posting nearly everyday. now im lucky to post once a week

    i go back to a blog if the writer seems passionate about their music and puts a bit of themself into their writing while not being a record label whore (aka only posting what labels email them…i hate that)

    i just look for inspired choices of people who honestly love the music they listen to and honestly want to share it and at the same time support the wonderful artists who make the music.

    dear god that was a long comment…

  7. Rachel on December 3rd, 2006 6:55 pm

    drainpip, you didn’t answer any of the questions…So don’t think I didn’t notice. ;) I am glad you like them, enjoy the CD.

    FiL, yes it is indeed quite bright, a little too happy for my taste, I tend to enjoy the darker colors. But blue is my favorite color…I will be working on the template this evening.
    I hope Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory was a good soundtrack for your cloudy Sunday morning…It is great anytime music I think.
    You said that your blog has become more personal…Does this direction bother you? Would you rather it didn’t? or do you allow it to go in whatever direction it chooses?
    I think that because “blogs” started out as personal journals it is hard to run a blog and not connect it to your offline life…It is inevitable here and there and I think it is necessary for the readers to relate. Besides I think I can speak for the majority of your regular readers when I say whatever you are doing you are doing a great job.

    tad, thanks so much for noticing, I do care a great deal about Untitled and I appreciate you taking note. :) As for the CSS/html yeah well I wasn’t always this knowledgeable…But thanks to drainpip, he helped me to take my training wheels off…I don’t like to depend on people so if I don’t know how to do something I research and learn until I can.
    I can help you out if you would like, but I think Sand is Overrated is pretty clean and nice…But if you feel like a change I am more than happy to help as it only progresses my knowledge of it all. :)
    I live within your general area, e-mail me and we can discuss southern cali. ;)

    mjrc, I am anxiously waiting. ;) I won’t forget and will have to hunt you down…hehe

    matthew, just because you are colorblind doesn’t mean you can’t put your two cents in.
    Do you think your previous posting everyday has caused you get a little burned out?
    Hopefully if you don’t push the posts for a bit the spark will rekindle because I do enjoy your posts. :) And connections huh? What are you in the mafia? heheh JK ;)

  8. tad on December 3rd, 2006 11:06 pm

    i thought about your questions a little more and am now prepared to give a better response:

    i heard jeff tweedy say in an interview one time that, growing up, his relationship with music was so intense that it was painful at times, trying to navigate in a world that was so indifferent to his passion. with the current state of commercial radio and popular music, i think all of us involved with these blogs, whether as writers or as readers, can identify with that feeling. when i read the things that (some) people post, it makes me realize that there are indeed others out there who share this affliction with me. i started my blog because i realized that it was a great way to share the experiences that i have with music with an audience who would actually understand and appreciate them.

    as for what keeps me coming back…rachel, i am not exaggerating when i say that i have not disliked any thing i have ever heard on untitled. okay, so i’ve only been coming here for a few weeks, but still! i also very much appreciate what a personal relationship you seem to have with everyone who leaves comments for you–that’s the nicest touch of all i think.

    (check your email) :-)

  9. mjrc on December 4th, 2006 7:51 am

    ok, here is my essay on “why i started my blog.” he he

    truthfully, i started it because in order to leave a comment for someone, i had to create an account/blog on blog-city. yep, it was pure necessity.

    but then i realized that i would like to talk to other people about this music that i am so incredibly involved with. i agree with much of what tad says, about it being almost an affliction of sorts, something that’s such a part of me that i can’t function without it. i needed an outlet, a place to express my thoughts and feelings where hopefully others who felt the same passion would be able to share it with me.

    i started out fairly impersonal, incredibly paranoid, actually, about saying anything too revealing. obviously, that’s fallen by the wayside! which is ok, i like it better this way. it’s allowed me to give voice to some feelings that might otherwise go unspoken, provided me with a way to make connections with some folks who have become “friends,” as much as we can be friends with people we’ve never actually met, you know?

    i’ve never tried to be on the cutting edge of new music, or hipness (i am a dork, i’m told, so hip+marcy = oxymoron!). i’m just trying to speak from the heart.

    back to the black, i see? : )

  10. fb on December 4th, 2006 10:34 am

    I am embarrassed to say that it really looks much the same to me as it always did, and I have no excuse like being colorblind to explain my lack of sensitivity or awareness. The only thing I noticed is that your picture is gone.

    BKLYN SOD began as an email list that came about because I was in constant contact with the many many wonderful people who were my volunteers and I didn’t want to lose touch with them when I left my old job and I had been in the habit of sending people songs to cheer them up or when I heard something amazing. So I started with a list of about twenty people last March. By August, it had grown to about 75 and I was loving doing it. Then my friend Liz AKA BookStud said “You should turn the SOD into a blog!” So I did.

    The main change I have made is to add videos, which I find very fun. What I am trying to figure out is why I get so few comments when I can see from the stats that I get a lot of visits and that many people spend a while on the blog. I worry that my tone may be a little unfriendly or intimidating.

  11. fb on December 4th, 2006 10:38 am

    Also really love N&MCoM! Am I crazy to think that it reminds me of Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk?

  12. FiL on December 4th, 2006 11:16 am

    “Turn the SOD into a blog” – that has a lovely rhythm to it!!

    Rachel – I see you’re back in black!

    *Throws devil horns, bangs head* Dum, Da-da-dum, Da-da-dum, di-di-di-diddle-di…

    No, I don’t mind the blog getting more personal. It was a natural evolution that seemed & continues to seem right. In fact, it’s been a lovely surprise!

    And thank you for the kind words – *blush* yet again…

    Marcy – Who told you you’re a dork? Don’t believe them – they lie like a rug…

  13. ZB on December 4th, 2006 3:18 pm

    Hi Rachel,
    I promised myself to someday come and comment here. That’s the occasion. To the question why, I’m inclined to give an easy answer, to escape boredom, but to answer the second question how my blogs they’re a changing , despite Zimmie’s advice (or is this Pennybakie’s), I took a look back on my two first posts and I read there the first words of lines taken from a book I read in those days :
    “pour garder dans mon coeur le souvenir du vent…” and also
    “..je suis toujours à la recherche d’un endroit où je pourrais revenir…”
    (translation : to keep in my heart the wind memories…
    I’m always in search of a place where I could come back)
    I think my answers to all your questions are somewhere in those words and you know “the wind in the willow played…”
    My blog went from beige to white and blue. Now blue and blue and…er…blue. (Can you guess what my favourite colour is ?)

  14. mjrc on December 4th, 2006 4:59 pm

    oh, fil, you’re such a dear. unfortunately, there’s more truth to the statement than not. ;-)

  15. Rachel on December 4th, 2006 8:17 pm

    I am a little hesitant to intersect these interesting replies…All of your answers have been interesting and enlightening; thank you this is all really quite fascinating…

    marcy, hehe I give you an A++ for your essay :-P Actually for your honesty I love the fact that you started your blog just to comment and now LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!! How wonderful . And “dork”
    O=open minded

    fb, some of the best blogs receive no comments what so ever. Keep doing what you’re doing you are doing a wonderful job :)

    fil, yes back to the black indeed, I was getting annoyed with the CSS of that old template, the rounded corners are great but such a pain in the ass to modify…So this is it for now.

    How appropriate it is that you would comment now in regards to your blog. I have so much respect for you and all that you do. I can’t thank you enough for all the music you continue to introduce to me, I value this perspective you give me. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
    Je ne pourrais pas penser à une couleur plus convenante pour refléter votre esprit.

  16. Andy on December 5th, 2006 6:44 am

    OK so I’m late in responding to this. I guess I had to think about your questions some.

    I started a music blog simply because I had nobody to talk with about my latest music obsessions. No one I knew was a music nerd like me. It started out as me reviewing artists and new releases but after I learned how to actually share music, it turned into me showing people how good an artist was instead of just syaing “this band is good.”

    As for reading blogs, I usually look for blogs that have similar tastes to me and that showcase new artists I’ve never heard of. Once I find a good blog (like yours, for instance), I keep coming back for more!

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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