I love this song. I play it over and over. It makes my day and I constantly find myself dancing to it.

I think I may have a bit of a band crush on The Naked And Famous… Their debut album, Passive Me. Aggressive You is set to be released in the States this March. I am pretty excited and have high hopes for this New Zealand based pop band. For now, click play and turn it up. Also, visit their website to check out a couple of other tracks from the album. Goodness! Or if you can’t wait until March you can always download the album through iTunes.


3 Responses to “The Naked And Famous”

  1. tara on January 26th, 2011 9:42 am

    Oh yes. Come to momma. I love this. What a great vibe.

  2. Rachel on January 26th, 2011 12:41 pm

    I know. Their music just makes you feel good.

  3. Natalie on April 11th, 2011 12:45 pm

    I’m so glad that I can see this group on your blog ;) I love their another song titled Young Blood! This tune is in my mind every time :)

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