Listening to Freelance Whales while my yummy turkey chili is cooking. Their debut album came out this year and has really received quite a bit of notice for their unique multi-instrumental experimentation and wonderful harmonic vocals. They really are a delight. If you like The Postal Service or a little Sufjan Stevens then chances are you will probably swoon for Freelance Whales.

Dinner time, enjoy.

mp3:  Location

Weathervanes 2010 (Frenchkiss)

Available at eMusic


5 Responses to “Listening While I Cook”

  1. mjrc on April 30th, 2010 4:05 am

    i saw them open for fanfarlo and they were delightful! they have an almost innocent enthusiasm on stage and they play really wacky instruments. i was also impressed that they covered “7/4 shoreline” by broken social scene and it came off really great.

  2. Rachel on April 30th, 2010 8:08 am

    Awesome! Yeah I could see how they would be a perfect opening act for Fanfarlo. I love that they use all these strange instruments, it is refreshing. Would love to see them in action. :-)

  3. Chris on April 30th, 2010 6:10 pm

    Interesting; I’d never heard of either the Freelance Whales or turkey chili. Every time I stop by here I leave so enriched!

    Like the music, will pass on the turkey chili.

    Sorry I’ve haven’t had a chance to stop by sooner Rachel, got a promotion at work and even more crazy busy than before. Hope you’ve been doing well, and say hi to Pip for me.

  4. Rachel on April 30th, 2010 10:26 pm

    Yay! Congrats on the promotion, not so much on the extra work though. Hope a raise came with it. Cheers!

    You should totally try my turkey chili, you would be surprised. :-) It is ground turkey.Yum!

  5. Daniel on May 2nd, 2010 1:48 am

    Greetings from a regular reader in Denmark!

    If you like it HOT, try Smokin’ Scoville’s Turkey Chili – it too goes very well with Freelance Whales :-)

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