The debut album from James Mercer (The Shins lead singer) and Brian Burton (aka Danger Mouse) has gotten some notice to say the least. Two guys who are extremely gifted in making music get together decide to make an indie-rock experimental record that has the music scene all salivating and hailing praise… And they do it in a matter of months…Yes please! I look forward to enjoying this album for years to come.

mp3:  Citizen (mp3 removed)

Broken Bells 2010 (Sony)

Broken Bells


5 Responses to “New Band-Loving Feeling”

  1. Ande on March 11th, 2010 2:55 am

    did you notice this is a different song entirely from the “leaked” version of the album?
    This version wasn’t on the leaked one at all and what was “citizen” was really “October”.
    And what was labeled “October” is a non-album track. CONFUSING!

  2. Rachel on March 11th, 2010 8:53 am

    Hey Ande, reason #130 why don’t download leaked albums… I can never trust them. :-)

  3. t-dub on March 11th, 2010 10:59 am

    I feel all awesome and cool because I bought this yesterday BEFORE reading about it here. GMTA! xoxo

  4. Ande on March 11th, 2010 1:59 pm

    yea but I had to hear it first!!
    Its cool since now theres an “extra” track and a few less-mastered versions with less backup vocals etc.

  5. Greer on March 11th, 2010 7:18 pm

    Yet another one that I’ve wanted to hear but hadn’t gotten to… you are making my life much easier :). Love this, I’ll definitely be getting the album.

    Thanks again!

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