Taken Away

Filed Under Album Picks 

Taken By Trees-East of Eden

Yesterday was the longest day of my life as I have been sick for the  last 3 days, it hit me Friday like a ton of bricks but yesterday was certainly the worse of it. I call it “Snot Fest 2009”, charming I know.

Anyways, Taken By Trees has a new album and I love the new direction she has taken with her music, a collaboration between her gentle indie pop vocals and Pakistani musicians adding a beautiful exotic touch, a perfect merriment of sounds. Well done, indeed.

mp3: To Lose Someone

East Of Eden 2009 (Rough Trade)

Available on eMusic


3 Responses to “Taken Away”

  1. mjrc on September 14th, 2009 3:21 pm

    “a perfect merriment of sounds”–i love it!

  2. Chris on September 14th, 2009 4:10 pm

    I’ve had the exact same ailments as you and it started on the same day as yours did. We have now officially bonded in snot. woohoo!

  3. Rachel on September 14th, 2009 4:17 pm

    Awesome!!!!!! ;-)

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