Smart People

Filed Under Film Box 

Smart People: imdb / trailer

When I see a film trailer that I’ve never heard of that has such a good cast as this, I’m either the first person to discover it or it sucks.  I’ll look right away to the director… never heard of him.  Could I be the first person to discover it?  The thrill normally goes away quickly, as I have become jaded… oh so jaded.  Damn you Lucas!!  You have spilled my childhood like a samurai cutting open his own gut!  Oddly enough, this film fell into neither of those categories, it was actually ‘pretty good’.

I would label this film as one of those that wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for a few decades of independent film, but doesn’t quite fit in with those rascals either.  It’s like a grown up hippy without a cause and with a regular job, you know the type.  Come to think of it, Dennis Quaid’s character is pretty much living in the wrong decade.  No, not the 60’s, more like the 40’s back when being curmudgeonly was academic.  He plays a widower with a lot of social aptitude issues that happens to have an adopted brother that’s a bit of a loser.  He’s also got a good Republican daughter and a cute doctor that’s got a student/teacher fantasy in full swing.  Thomas Haden Church pretty much plays the same character as he did in Sideways, only with a heart.  Come to think of it, everyone is pretty comfortable in their roles mostly because they’ve done exactly this before.

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with this, the film was actually really entertaining.  I don’t wish I got my two hours back or anything, but man, couldn’t this crew come up with something revolutionary?  I think everyone went into this project with the full intent of it being edgy and new, but ended up just pushing out something fairly safe.  That’s really my only problem with the movie, it just stood there in perfect balance right on the fence.  All that said, I’d still recommend this to just about anyone in this dry spell before the Summer Rush.


2 Responses to “Smart People”

  1. Rachel on April 22nd, 2008 11:15 am

    Great write up Pip! It was a good cast and it was a “good” flick…Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. Celera on April 26th, 2008 3:58 pm

    Sometimes watching a revolutionary, thought-provoking masterpiece is just too much work. There’s a place for the merely entertaining, I think. although I agree that with this group of stars, one might expect something more impressive.

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