Apparat, Walls

Filed Under Album Picks 

 I got in an accident today…I rear ended someone. Seriously? Yeah seriously. I cried like a little girl, not because I was hurt; in fact no one is hurt everyone is alright, it was merely just a fender bender but a major headache. Great!

The job has been fun…Really, I mean it is all good fun and good music…What’s not to like? Well I think I am just used to positions that pay me more and as much as I would love to be in the position where I can take a pay cut, I have a little bit of debt so this worries me. But we will see, one day at a time.

Speaking of the job I was working the other day and I had at least 5 people come in ask me about a band that goes by the name of Eisley and each of these people were looking for their new album, Combinations. So I decided to check them out and figured maybe I will post about them…But sadly I was mistaken…I don’t like cookie cutter indie pop-rock so I had to completely scratch that idea and instead decided to post a good electronic delicacy from the German band Apparat, their new album Walls is just delicious, and there is nothing cookie cutter about it.

mp3: Useless Information

mp3: Arcadia

Apparat on myspace

Walls 2007 (Shitkatapult)

Get their new album HERE or HERE


2 Responses to “Apparat, Walls”

  1. mjrc on August 17th, 2007 2:35 pm

    oh, man, sorry to hear about the fender-bender! it’s always so jarring to be hit or to hit something. i remember when i hit a car in a parking lot, i cried so hard that the other person was consoling me, when it was totally my fault! crazy.

    love that record label name–it would make a great band name. : )

  2. Rachel on August 18th, 2007 2:44 am

    Thanks Marcy, it’s a fucking jungle out there. Now I am all defensive out on the road, which is good I suppose because I am speed daemon so hopefully I learned a valuable lesson this time being at it was blatantly my fault. Cheers. ;-)

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