0898 Dave, When The River Runs Dry We Die

Wow, for some reason posting this evening was rather difficult…*I think I need to re-think my whole “possible post list” it is beginning to hinder things around here*So I know there is a track below from 0898 Dave, but since A Lily gets their own post…Plus 0898 Dave will surprise you throughout his album, it is the good surprise though…Dave is one more reason I wish I lived in the UK…So talented. Anyways check his space’s on the net here and here to learn more and listen to these two tracks…

0898 Dave, Ironside (mp3 expired)0898 Dave, Meet me in the summertime (mp3 expired)

Available here

Thanks guys for your comments yesterday I was smiling all day. :)

Good night…More like good morning…Geez I am freaking done.


4 Responses to “‘When The River Runs Dry We Die’”

  1. drainpip on August 9th, 2006 3:32 am

    Wanna know something weird? Nelson freaked out around 2am this morning so much so that he flew into the french doors I keep closed into my room, opening them and literally causing me to wake up screaming.

    I have no idea why he freaked out. At first he had me so paranoid hiding under the couch in the living room that I thought he might be seeing ghosts again. Great. A mean ghost, just what I need to fall back asleep with.

    So what did I do? Yeah I turned the light on, my computer, have some Beatles playing and the cats both came back into my room after about an hour… which of course is when I found your new post (there’s no way she’d post again since I’ve checked) so I think what I’m trying to say is this.

    I was meant to read this post. It was my destiny. It might change my life… I must now stare at it for days on end until I know the meaning of my life.

  2. unknown on August 9th, 2006 5:08 am

    I really liked this. On first play it washed over me a little but on second, third, fourth play it dug deep into me.

    And, most imporantly, it makes me want to hear more. I sense a purchase in the offing…

    You are not good for my bank balance lovelyone :)

    For some reason after playing these two tracks I immediately looked out and listened to ‘Memories’ by PIL.

    That’s how inspirational it was.

  3. FiL on August 10th, 2006 2:35 am

    Bah. Humbug. EZ Archive. It’s fallen over. And it can’t get up.


    Big, fat, hairy PHOOEY!

    Guess I’ll just have to go to bed instead.

    And try again tomorrow.

    *Hangs head, clutches teddy, shuffles off to Land of Nod”


  4. Rachel on August 10th, 2006 4:16 am

    I know Fil!!! I was waiting around for it to recover as well and I was all excited to post this band. Oh bother. I suppose I will have to find time to post it in the morning, at some point…In traffic?

    *Twiddles thumbs*

    Well sleepy time for me to…Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite. ;)

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