Well this might have been the hardest post I have ever done…I couldn’t decide…It took me forever and a day to finally put my foot to the ground and just POST!

Oh well, hopefully this will tickle your fancy. If not then well, I have failed you and I apologize…

Ok well maybe it is not that serious, but it could be…

Today I chose Cortney Tidwell to serenade us on my day of birth, she has the dreamy vocals that I do so enjoy. ;)

Sleepy time for me and listening time for you

mp3: Cortney Tidwell, The Tide (mp3 expired)mp3: Cortney Tidwell, La La (mp3 expired)

Don’t Let The Stars Keep Us Tangled Up available at emusic


4 Responses to “Tangled Up With Cortney Tidwell”

  1. FiL on July 19th, 2006 12:22 am


    Just in case no one sang that to you today.

    Actually, there’s a small b’day dedication round my blog. Not much, a mere trifle, but I was posting the song and thought it appropriate, given your tender age :)

    Yes, Ms Tidwell is dreamy. And sultry. And the music on The Tide is a wee bit churchy, a wee bit Dead Can Dancey. I like. But hopefully your celebratory b’day music was (or will be) more happy happy joy joy than this.


  2. FiL on July 19th, 2006 1:07 am

    And at least Courtney don’t poo no clouds…


  3. coxon le woof on July 19th, 2006 3:08 pm

    You’ve done it again.

    Another great coupl’a tracks – lovin’ ’em.

    And doesn’t Fil have lovely singing voice? Hope you had an ultra ace, super fab, wonderously wonderful birthday.

  4. Rachel on July 19th, 2006 6:45 pm

    Fil, thank you so much :) No one sang me Happy B-day quite like you did, they tried but failed. The Jam dedication was awesome!

    Coxon, I am glad you enjoyed the lovely Tidwell…She certainly doesn’t live up to the likes of our dear Fil but she will do.
    Thank you coxon because of your thoughts I had a wonderful day. :)

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