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Syd Matters, Syd Matters

This post began last night…Then it came to a screeching halt when I hit a dead end at EZ. But after an hour commute to work, a long day at the office, conversations (plural) with ONE (singular) client where I bit my tongue multiple times and the temperature was so hot that when I walked outside I thought I was going to suffocate…After that I am finally able to sit here and post this…

mp3: Syd Matters, Passe Muraille.mp3

But wait…You may be wondering why I have only posted one song. Well I am posting one song because I know for a fact that I will be posting more later on this evening and I simply don’t have an unlimited amount of space…
But if I can get up enough energy I am hoping to conquer the space problem and then since yesterday was new music Tuesday I have some things brewing. I could take the easy out and post something from the leaked Muse, but that wouldn’t be very much fun at all.

I must apologize.
What matters? Well I think what matters is that I freaking remember to post a link to purchase and sample more of the Syd Matters self titled album…I must apologize, but now go

Album available here


2 Responses to “Syd Matters, Self Titled”

  1. FiL on June 28th, 2006 10:26 pm

    Dearest Rachel, I hereby award you multiple gold stars, purple hearts, and medals of meritorious conduct! Well done for posting despite the best efforts of Evyl Klient, Heat Miser, and EZarchive (‘EZ?’ Shurely shome mishtake). And all without the aid of a PivotPlus…

    It may be only one track, but it’s a delicious, delovely, and deluscious one. So many layers, I’ll need to play it again. And again. And again. Oh look, it’s waltzing away with my brain…


  2. unknown on June 29th, 2006 5:48 pm

    You need to stop biting your tongue so much you know. It gets sore after a while. All twisted and tied up. And bloody. I say this with the scars to prove it…

    One song is better than no songs. And like FiL I loved this one song.

    Now, I wonder if amazon uk have it…

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    Music found on this blog is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then support the artist. Buy their music, attend a show and spread the word. If you own the rights to any of the music featured here and you would like me to remove it contact me and I will remove the link immediately.

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